Week of March 20th
Cure it! Oh boy, did you over do it this St. Patrick’s Day weekend? Feeling a bit sluggish? The combination of consuming too much alcohol and not getting enough sleep create the recipe for pounding headaches, nausea, vomiting and fatigue. Not fun. We here at Caught in Southie, would like to help you alleviate some of the pain with our cures for hangovers. Check ‘em out!
Try it! With an almost cult-like following, Boston fitness fans can’t stop raving about Btone Fitness. Specializing in 45 minutes total body workouts, Btone is bound to leave you feeling sweaty, strong, and accomplished. They are opening a new studio on West Broadway in #Southie and they are offering a Pre Opening Special of 5 classes for $75. Check it out here!
Girl Power! The season kicks off the week of March 19th. Girls On The Run (GOTR) is a positive youth development (PA-PYD) program based around team-style runs/activities that inspires girls in grades 3-8 grade to be joyful, healthy, and confident. The volunteer-led program is structured into regional groups of 8-20 girls who participate in a 10-week season, a season in which they learn to work as a team, build self-confidence, and connect to their community. GOTR will be meeting at The Element Hotel/Lawn on D. The program fee includes a GOTR program t-shirt, healthy snacks, a GOTR water bottle, entry to end-of-season 5K, a 5k t-shirt and 5k finisher’s medal. You can register here!
Be informed. Get involved. There’s an election in our midst, Southie! District 2, City Councilor! Candidate Ed Flynn is hosting a fundraiser on Wednesday, March 22nd from 6-8pm at Capo. Tickets are $50. Host Committee includes Congressman Stephen Lynch, City Councilor Michael Flaherty, State Rep. Nick Collins, Suffolk County Clerk Michael Donovan. Other candidates running for District 2 City Council include Corey Dinopoulos, Mike Kelley, Frank Ulip and Peter Lin-Marcus.
Slow down! Do you feel like everyone is speeding in your neighborhood? You know, flying down the street doing like 50 MPH. Well, the City of Boston Transportation (BTD) is now accepting applications for 2017 Neighborhood Slow Streets projects. Residents, neighborhood associations, and other community-based organizations are invited to apply to have their neighborhood participate in the Neighborhood Slow Streets. The program works to use “traffic calming” measures to improve roadway safety within a defined residential area. The BTD and the Boston Public Works Department will work with selected applicants to plan and implement Neighborhood Slow Streets projects that meet the specific needs of their communities. Sound good? More information on the Neighborhood Slow Streets program, including applications, are available at www.boston.gov/transportation/neighborhood-slow-streets . If you would like to see our neighborhood to be a part of the slow streets program, kindly sign this petition!
Listen Up! Have you dowloaded our podcast Caught Up yet? Well, what are you waiting for! Listen at the gym, while you’re waiting for the bus, while your work or in your car! From finding a parking spot, the best spots to eat and drink, to local politics, people, places and things, we will share our insights like only two girls from Southie know how! And our savvy doesn’t stop at the Broadway Bridge! Television, movies, media, sports, music, technology, if it’s trending we’re going to talk about it! We’ll get you Caught Up on weekly hot topics…and some topics that aren’t even room temperature. We hope you like it! You can get Caught Up here!
Weekend Picks – February 14th
HRP Group is hiring Summer Interns – Get the details!
5 Things You Should Know This Week – February 10th