Week of August 18th

2.7 min readBy Published On: August 18th, 2014Categories: Tips0 Comments on Week of August 18th

Movie Night! Mayor Marty Walsh and the City of Boston is hosting a family movie night on Monday, August 18th at 8pm.  The featured film of the night is one of our personal favorites – Rudy.  Popcorn will be provided by AMC Lowes Movie Theatre.

Tiki Week is back at Local 149! Celebrate the end of summer with $5 tropical cocktails, Polynesian inspired food and a very tropical week-long event including trivia, a pig roast, guest bartenders, prizes and a fundraiser for #FightHardy!  For a full list of events and specials visit: https://caughtinsouthie.com/restaurants-bar/its-tiki-week-local-149

Bombshells Against Breast Cancer! Buy a ticket for the Bombshells for Breast Cancer Event to help support the Ellie Fund on Wednesday, August 20th from 6pm-8pm!  Sip craft beer, wine & spirits, enjoy food from MJ’s menu, and party on the NEW PATIO at MJ O’Connor’s Waterfront with special guests including Caught in Southie’s Maureen Dahill.  Wear your pink to show your support!  To purchase a ticket visit: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/2nd-annual-bombshells-against-breast-cancer-bostonbombshells-tickets-12374521527?aff=es2  Do it now!  It’s going to be fun event for an amazing cause!

Be informed.  Get involved.  The BRA will be holding a public meeting to discuss a proposed development project at 45 L Street.  45 L Street Development, LLC is proposing to construct a five (5) story mixed-use building with up to thirty (30) condominium units including four (4) affordable units. The proposal also includes one (1) ground floor commercial/retail space. In addition, the development will have at grade-level parking for up to thirty-two (32) spaces on-site/off-street.  The meeting will take place on Wednesday, August 20th from 6:30pm-8:30pm at the Tynan School – 650 East Fourth Street. 

Register to vote! There’s an election coming up –  the state primaries will be held on Tuesday, September 9th.  Make sure to register to vote.  The deadline to register to vote, change your address, or to change your political party is Wednesday, August 20th, 2013.   You can apply in person at City Hall or by downloading a mail-in registration form off of the City of Boston website. The Boston Election Department (City Hall – Room 241) will be open until 8 p.m. on August 20th to accommodate last minute voter registrations. Those looking to fill out a voter registration form after 5 p.m. on that date should enter City Hall by the Congress Street entrance. All registrations that are mailed to the Election Department must be postmarked by August 20th in order to be eligible for the upcoming election.  For more information visit the  Election Department website at www.cityofboston.gov/elections


The South Boston Neighborhood House is having a Night Out at Lincoln and we want you to join us! We’ll be at Lincoln, located at 425 W. Broadway, from 6-8p.m. on August 21st to raise money for our Rodman Ride for Kids bike team. Joins us for drinks and appetizers, as well as the chance to win a number of awesome raffle prizes, all while raising funds for a worthy cause.  To purchase tickets visit:  https://rodman.fundraise.com/activity/south-boston-neighborhood-house-sbnh



