Things You Should Know: Week of February 25th

2 min readBy Published On: February 24th, 2019Categories: See and Do0 Comments on Things You Should Know: Week of February 25th

Be informed. Get involved. On Monday, February 25th the MBTA will host a meeting to discuss fare increases and Better Bus project from 6pm-8pm at the Tynan. On Tuesday, February 26th at 6:30pm Boston Parks Department will host a community meeting at the Condon School to discuss improvements to Orton Field (field behind the Condon).

Sign up! Lace up your sneakers and sign up for a special TRAIN class at EverybodyFights Seaport and then head on over to Local 149 after for some post-workout refreshments and free apps and help raise some funds for Colin’s Joy Project!  This event takes place on Saturday, March 2nd at 12:30pm-2:30pm.  Tickets are $50 and can be purchased here! 

Bringing the Big Easy to Dot! Celebrate Mardi Gras with Dorchester Brewing Co on Saturday, March 2nd with classic N’Awlins food, music, costumes and more! No cover charge and DBC got expanded capacity, so plenty of room for all!  Fun starts at 11:30am!  Check out the line up here! 

Hot diggity dog! A welcomed sign of spring happens this weekend – Sullivan’s will be open for business! The legendary hot dog stand opens its doors on Friday, March 1st. Enjoy half priced hot dogs and help celebrate Sully’s 68th season!

Kick off St. Patrick’s Day month! The South Boston Allied War Veterans Council and Parade Chief Marshal, John Beatty invite you to the 2019 Chief Marshal’s Banquet. Enjoy a night out to honor our veterans, our Irish heritage and our South Boston community. The event will include traditional corned beef dinner, Irish dance and music featuring the nationally known Irish band, Boston’s Erin Og. All proceeds from the banquet directly support the parade. We hope you can come kick off this festive season with us. Tickets are $40. You can purchase ticket here!

Considering selling in 2019? Wondering when or where to buy next? The real estate decisions you make will, quite literally, change your life!  Bode Well is hosting a special home selling seminar on Wednesday, February 27th from 6pm-7pm at Bode Well 637 East First Street. Sign up here!   To learn more visit here!

It takes a Village! Sign up for a free advance screening of the the first episode new NBC series The Village at the Showplace ICON at Seaport on Wednesday, March 6th at 7:00 PM. Free concessions to all who attend!  You can RSVP here! 

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