PLAN: South Boston Dorchester Avenue Transportation Plan Meeting

Be informed! Get Involved!

Please join the BPDA and BTD for an overview of the draft PLAN: South Boston Dorchester Avenue Transportation Plan – a collaboration with the community, other City departments, and state agencies. The 2016 PLAN: South Boston Dorchester Avenue recognized that as the study area changes in land use and density, the transportation network needs to change in order to make it safe and efficient for all modes of transportation—walking, biking, transit, and vehicles.

A presentation of the draft Transportation Plan and its recommendations will be followed by Q&A and comments. The draft Transportation Plan will also be available for review and comment prior to and after the meeting at

We invite you to join the BPDA and the Boston Transportation Department (BTD) for this project’s third virtual meeting on Tuesday, May 11, 2021 from 6:00–8:00 PM. Please reach out if you require any interpretation or translation services.

Zoom Link: Toll Free: (833) 568 – 8864 Meeting ID: 161 639 2768

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