5 Things You Should Know This Week – October 25th

It’s spooky SZN in Southie!
From costume events for adults to good old fashioned family fun, it’s all right in our Guide to Halloween in Southie! We’ve got the scoop on Trick or Treating on Broadway, pumpkin carving parties, and scary movies to watch! You can check it out here!
Halloween Movies + Takeout Pairings
Our own Heather Foley shares some Halloween Movies and Takeout Pairings for you to try this week!
Vote Early
The Municipal Election in the City of Boston takes place on Nov. 2 but you can vote early! The early voting period takes place Saturday, October 23, through Friday, October 29. During that time, voters registered in Boston will be able to cast their ballots in person before the Municipal Election on Tuesday, November 2. Here’s where you can vote early! You’ll be voting for Mayor of Boston and City Councilor-At-Large.
Take the American Flag Challenge
One Southie resident wants you to show your American pride and support of our veterans! Peggy Woods would like you to display an American flag on your home or business before Veterans Day – Thursday, November 11th. So let’s do it! Display your stars + stripes!
Spin n Din with the Handle Bar
The Handle Bar is partnering with local neighborhood restaurants on Thursdays! Take the 4:40pm spin class in Southie then get a special dinner deal discount at a neighborhood restaurant. You can sign up here!

Maureen Dahill is the founder of Caught in Media. Once a longtime wardrobe and prop stylist for brands such as Rue La La, TJ Max & Hasbro, she is a devoted lover of vintage clothing, Martini Mondays, Castle Island, AND a 4th generation South Boston native. Mother of three, married to Peter G.
Take a Winter Group Bike Ride in the Neighborhood on Saturday
Weekend Picks – February 7th
5 Things You Should Know This Week – February 3rd