5 Things You Should Know This Week – November 4th

Don’t forget to Vote

Election Day is Tuesday, November 5th.  If you haven’t already voted, here are some reminders for Election Day from the City of Boston.  You can read them here. 

Hot Diggity Dog

In celebration of a successful season, Sullivan’s is offering half-price hot dogs until closing day, December 1st! You might as well get two, right? We’ll take ours “all around!” What other menu standouts will we miss on Sully’s hiatus? Fried clams, Lime Rickeys, lobster roll, and french fries!

Make a pie + pasta at Capo

Capo is hosting a pie and pasta-making class on Thursday, November 7th, 14th and 21st at 6 pm. The class will teach you how to make the perfect apple pie and pasta. You will also get to enjoy pasta while your pie bakes. Make your reservations here. 

Love Child launches The Wild One, a new creative lounge

Neighborhood favorite, Love Child just announced a new cozy new creative lounge which is opening next week! It’s tucked right beneath Love Child, ready to welcome you and your friends for an unforgettable experience. Dive into hands-on activities, unwind, and make memories in the neighborhood’s newest creative hideaway. You can get all the fun details here! 

Veteran’s Day March and Flag Retirement Ceremony

On Monday, November 11th Join the Fitzgerald Post for the 73rd annual Veterans Day Memorial Service.

9am – assemble at the post

9:30 – parade to St. Brigid

10am – memorial mass

Also on Veterans Day, a flag retirement ceremony will take place at Fort Independence at Castle Island.  If you have an old flag in need of retirement, you can drop it off at the K Street Firehouse and the flags will be brought to the ceremony.

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