5 Things You Should Know This Week – March 21st

Stock Up at MyStryde
Get your swag on at MyStryde! You have all week to snag a deal on retail at the MyStryde studio on Summer Street. 25%-40% off retail! Sale ends Friday.
Welcome to the Neighborhood, Lord Hobo Brewing
The wildly popular craft brewery, Lord Hobo has created a 18,000-square-foot brewery and restaurant at Two Drydock at Raymond Flynn Marine Park in South Boston and it officially opened its doors – appropriately enough – on Thursday, March 17th! Deeming the new location as a “Taj Mahal” of breweries, CEO Daniel Lanigan told boston.com this last year that Lord Hobo will occupy all of the available retail space at Two Drydock complete with working brewery, gastropub, taproom and a patio with outdoor seating! Check it out!
Spring Speed Clinic
Local trainer, Deirdre Hurley, is offering a Spring Speed Clinic on Saturdays March 26th – April 23rd at Saunders Stadium! Learn the basics of speed and agility training and how to become the fastest athlete in your sport! Boys + Girls Grades 6-8 3-4pm and High School 4-5pm. $25 per session or $100 for 5 sessions! To reserve your spot email [email protected]
776 Summer Street Virtual Deconstruction Meeting
Save the date! A virtual Deconstruction Community Meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 30th at 6pm! This meeting will provide updates on Deconstruction including progress to date and schedule of work in the near future. The community will have an opportunity to provide feedback and ask questions during the meeting but if you would like to submit any beforehand you can reach out at [email protected] or at our Deconstruction website : https://www.suffolk-lstreetstationboston.com/ You can register for the meeting here.Â
Dine out Boston
Dine Out Boston is back March 13th -27th.  Enjoy lunch for $22, $27 and $32 and Dinner for $36, $41 and $46!  You can see a list of participating restaurants here!Â

Maureen Dahill is the founder of Caught in Media. Once a longtime wardrobe and prop stylist for brands such as Rue La La, TJ Max & Hasbro, she is a devoted lover of vintage clothing, Martini Mondays, Castle Island, AND a 4th generation South Boston native. Mother of three, married to Peter G.
5 Things You Should Know This Week – February 17th
Weekend Picks – February 14th
HRP Group is hiring Summer Interns – Get the details!