5 Things You Should Know This Week – March 20th

Too much parade day fun? Get some hydration STAT!

Seaport Medspa offers a Hangover IV Drip that will have you feeling as good as new! A steak and cheese from Rondo’s and a Gatorade should help too!

Bowling Night Benefiting the Scottie C. Foundation

Help support the Scottie C. Foundation by attending a fun night of bowling at South Boston Bowl on Friday, March 24th at 7pm.  Cash bar, half the house and raffles! $35 per person to bowl! You can sign up here! 

Sweat it out!

Take a Heated Vinyasa class this week at Evolve Power Yoga. A vigorous and challenging style of yoga designed to build strength, balance, and flexibility, each class is based upon a Vinyasa flow including inversions, arm balances, and core work. The room is heated between 95-98 degrees and up to 70% humidity. Good for all levels. You can learn more here! 

Composting Bin on West Broadway

Have you seen the colorful bin at 450 W. Broadway in Southie? This bin offers residents a place to drop off food scraps for composting. The city of Boston’s Project Oscar Community Composting has nine locations throughout the city. Make sure to check out the list of items accepted and not accepted here!  Food waste has the potential to create a rich, black soil that helps plants grow. Composting food waste reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills. It also helps the environment by enriching soil, giving new plants nutrients to grow. You can also compost on your own by ordering one of those little green bigs from the City of Boston!  You can learn more here! 

Brunch with Fisher Island at Fresh

Fresh will be hosting a special brunch with Fisher Island on Saturday, March 25th. Reserve your spot here! 


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