5 Things You Should Know This Week – January 15th

Lithuanian Kitchen is open this weekend

The Lith Club Kitchen is open on Saturday and Sunday from 12pm-7pm. Enjoy traditional Lithuanian food, really great bar pizza and drinks! The vibes are old-school. It’s a hidden Southie gem! 

Musical Bingo for the Woods School of Irish Dance

Turn the music up! Help raise some funds for the The Woods School of Irish Dance on Friday, January 19th from 6pm-9pm at the Seapoint.  Tickets are $25 cash or Venmo!  Kindly RSVP here. 

South Boston Little League Registration

Registration is now open for South Boston Little League! All the info, including ages, days, etc., can be found here!

BPDA Community Meeting

The Boston Planning and Development Agency will be hosting a virtual community meeting to discuss a project at 7 Channel Center on January 17th at 6pm. Zoom Link: bit.ly/3S6Nekv – Toll Free: (833) 568 – 8864 – Meeting ID: 161 339 8587. You can learn more about this project here. 

Local 149 Book Donation

Local 149 is collecting books for More Than Words from January 2-29th. Grab a drink and food while getting rid of old books for a good cause. They will also be having a fundraiser on Sunday January 28th, more to follow. Make your reservation here!

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