5 Things You Should Know This Week – February 12th

Need to hydrate?
Did you overdo it on Super Bowl Sunday? Seaport Med Spa can help you rehydrate after all the celebrating you’ve been doing lately! Offering IV Drips + Vitamin Injections, the RNs at Seaport Med Spa will have you feeling energized! You can learn more about them here!
Snow is on the way – are you prepared
Looks like a storm is in the forecast for Monday into Tuesday, with a potential for six inches of snow. Are you prepared for it? Peter G. shares some helpful tips to ensure that you’re ready and not scraping your car with an old tennis racket!
Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras Celebrations
Celebrate Fat Tuesday at Hunter’s! Enjoy specialty cocktails, menu additions and live music with Brass Band! Don’t forget to order your King Cake – available for pickup until February 13th to enjoy at home!
Publico is getting in the Mardi Gras spirit on Friday, February 16th, with a Masquerade Party at the Lodge with DJ Wyatt at 9pm!
Ash Wednesday
For all you holy roller Catholics out there looking for ashes, here’s a schedule for you for Wednesday: St. Brigid: 7:00AM, 1:00PM, 6:00PM Gate of Heaven: 9:00AM, Noon and St. Augustine Chapel: 4:30PM
Love is in the air on Caught in Southie Instagram
Valentine’s Day is Wednesday, and we’re kicking it old school with some Valentine’s classifieds via Instagram story! Send us a photo and a Valentine’s Day wish to someone you love! Husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, crush, neighbor, yoga instructor, favorite server, local small business, pet! Share the love!
The cost is just $10, and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the South Boston Neighborhood House, aka the Ollie!
Just message us on Caught in Southie Instagram or via email at [email protected] and Venmo us $10, and we will post your photo and Valentine’s Day wish on our story from now through Wednesday, February 14th!

Maureen Dahill is the founder of Caught in Media. Once a longtime wardrobe and prop stylist for brands such as Rue La La, TJ Max & Hasbro, she is a devoted lover of vintage clothing, Martini Mondays, Castle Island, AND a 4th generation South Boston native. Mother of three, married to Peter G.
HRP Group is hiring Summer Interns – Get the details!
5 Things You Should Know This Week – February 10th
Take a Winter Group Bike Ride in the Neighborhood on Saturday