10 Things You Should Know About the Donny Higgins Memorial Street Hockey Tourney

Family Fun Pick! Come on our for a day of good old fashioned family fun on Farragut Road on Saturday, June 25th at the Donny Higgins Memorial Street Hockey and Family Fun Day!  The day kicks off with a day-long street hockey tournament at the outdoor rink. Whether you play or watch and cheer, this will be an exciting day of sportsmanship.  There will be also be kids activities, a DJ, and refreshments beginning at 12pm.  . The Donald Higgins Memorial Arena is located Farragut Road, South Boston (between Broadway and East Second Street)  For more information visit their website! 

  1. It begins at 8am sharp on Saturday, June 25th.
  2. It is a double elimination tournament with 25 minute running time (in the event of a close game, time will stop the last 2 minutes.)
  4. Hockey Gloves are optional but encouraged to wear!
  6. Players will receive their team shirt the day of the event.
  7. Teams that advance for the semifinal and final will be played on Sunday morning starting at 9am!
  8. It’s also a family fun day!  Stop by and watch the games and participate in the kids activities between 11:30am and 4:30pm!
  9. Mighty Mite game will be played at 11am on Saturday.  They will play one game with the same rules that apply for the tournament.
  10. This family friendly event is in memory of Donny Higgins – beloved member of the South Boston community!

See team rosters and schedules below:




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