Update to South Boston Transportation Action Plan – Here is the Draft Recommendations Report

After pushback from the neighborhood regarding concerns about the initial South Boston Transportation Action Plan, the Boston Planning and Development Agency created (SBTAP) Draft Recommendations Report. 

The draft recommendations include proven strategies and people-first improvements to eliminate severe and fatal traffic crashes and create a safer and more efficient network for all modes of transportation—walking, biking, transit, and vehicles. 

The SBTAP project team invites public comments and questions regarding the Draft Recommendations Report.

Please feel free to email comments to [email protected].

Also, here’s an update – Summer Street Pilot Program

While the survey officially concluded on May 10th, the Summer Street Pilot will continue community engagement in the following ways:
1. Community members can provide feedback by sending an email to [email protected] (encourage folks to include Summer Street Pilot in the subject)
2. Virtual Open House + In-person Open Houses (dates/times forthcoming)

One Comment

  1. Alphonsus Roche May 23, 2024 at 4:47 pm - Reply

    For the increase of traffic down “L” maybe the mothers with strollers could start their parade across the street holding up traffic. for hours like before

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