They’ve got our back

0.8 min readBy Published On: August 2nd, 2013Categories: News2 Comments on They’ve got our back

Keeping Southie safe

In response to the recent violent in crimes in South Boston, Boston police and MA probation officers patrolling The Maryellen McCormick & D Street Housing Developments. 

Yesterday, Edwin Alemany was charged in the murder of Southie resident Amy Lord, 24.  On July 23rd, Alemany went on a violent rampage attacking two women in South Boston and kidnapping and murdering Lord.  Last week he was charged with the two assaults and is currently at Bridgewater State Hospital undergoing psychiatric evaluation. A warrant for his arrest on the homicide charge will be served at the hospital. 

Alemany has a long record of assaults as both a juvenile and an adult.  Boston police have launched an investigation into a 2012 assault of a woman in Mission Hill who managed to extract Alemany’s wallet with his license in it.  The Boston police detective in charge of that case never investigated it.  Detective Jerome Hall-Brewster was demoted. 




  1. Anonymous August 2, 2013 at 2:10 pm

    Shame on everyone cheering for this detective’s demotion.  Cheering at someone elses expense?  Demoting him does not bring back Amy.  I’m not saying he is blameless I am saying we don’t have all the details to make an informed opinion on his actions.  What about his supervisors, caseload etc? I’m sure he made a mistake but it sounds like Davis is using him as a scapegoat.  And more importantly why was Alemany on the streets to begin with?  It sounds like our probation system is to blame.  Was he on probabation?  And if so I blame the probation officer.  And if he was’nt on probation why not.  My point is I don’t blame a single detective for Amy Lord’s death.  And I don’t  trust a word we hear in the news. The police are doing their jobs arresting these scumbags but what happens after that?  

  2. BK August 5, 2013 at 1:26 pm

    I understand giving the benefit of the doubt, but the strangling is an attempted murder for which Alemany left his IDENTIFICATION. That’s an incompetent detective that couldnt find probable cause. I’d be concerned about his committment to protect and serve and his ability to be an effective patrolman.

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