The Tide is High…like really high

0.8 min readBy Published On: November 27th, 2022Categories: News2 Comments on The Tide is High…like really high

If you were walking along the beach this weekend, you probably noticed how high the tides were.  M Street Beach was a fraction of its normal size and the waters came up to the edge of the rocks, heading out the causeway to the Sugar Bowl.

Down in the Fort Point neighborhood, a resident captured this section of the HarborWalk on Saturday and posted the photo on Twitter.  The waters of Fort Point Channel spilled over onto the walkway.  Yikes.

This photo (below) was captured by John Linehan out at Castle Island near the fish pier on Monday morning. Holy Moly!

The City of Boston is taking steps to prevent situations like this through its Climate Ready Boston plan.  You can read more about it here! 

Moakley Park is also receiving federal funding for coastal resilience.  You can read about it here! 





  1. Paul McColgan November 27, 2022 at 7:39 pm - Reply

    Wow Helen,,I and guests used to pull into the dock to the left of the railing under the Evelyn Moakley Bridge along the flooded walkway going to the Barking Crab for lunch. The restaurant is about 3-4’ higher than the walkway but that’s too close for comfort. Great memories! Love the oysters!

  2. mplo November 28, 2022 at 9:08 pm - Reply

    Ohhhhhh!! My god!!! The tide sure did spill over! That’s the highest it’s been so far! Pretty unbelievable.

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