The Dorchester Ave. Bridge will remain closed until November of 2023

The bridge will be replaced to protect its structural integrity+ensure reliable service.

The Dorchester Ave. Bridge has been closed since June for repair and was supposed to reopen August 31st. Then it was extended until November 7th, and now it looks like it’s gonna be a lot longer.  On Tuesday, the MBTA posted the following notice:

The nearly 100 year old steel bridge was last repaired way back in 1975.  So it’s time. Construction will happen over the summer months to prepare for a full replacement of the bridge in the summer of 2023. 

Located between Von Hillern and Kemp Streets, this bridge carries vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists over the Red Line, the Commuter Rail Old Colony Lines, and the Cabot Yard maintenance tracks. The bridge is scheduled to be closed through Fall of 2023, with work taking place mainly daytime Monday through Friday.

According to the MBTA, the schedule will also impact Red Line and Commuter Rail service on select weekends.

Neighborhood impacts

The bridge will be completely closed to traffic until November of 2023. 

MBTA will post detour notices in advance of each closure, and will post signs along the detour route. 

Neighbors can expect increased construction noise from heavy equipment and machinery. “We appreciate your patience and consideration while we work to complete this critical safety project.”

To learn more about this project visit here!

One Comment

  1. Conor January 6, 2023 at 8:36 am - Reply

    I live in an apartment with a birds eye view of the construction, and it is no surprise to me why this bridge is so far behind schedule. 3/4’s of the staff sit on their hands and watch 1 guy actually work all day, then midnight hits and they call in the heavy equipment team to work till 6am. I should’ve remembered how incompetent Boston road construction is and never have signed this lease.

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