The Banning of Guinea Pigs and Nips in the City of Boston

Don’t we have bigger fish to fry in the city?

Universal Hub is reporting that City Councilor Liz Breadon proposed banning local pet shops – from selling guinea pigs.  Evidently, according to Breadon, they are popping up at animal shelters and residents are finding them abandoned on the streets.  311 reports are being filed all over the city including Fenway, Allston, Dorchester, Roxbury, Mission Hill, and Mattapan.  None in Southie?

“Since 2020, the MSPCA has seen a 37% increase in guinea pigs being handed over by people who no longer want them or who can no longer care for them.”

Also, no one wants to adopt guinea pigs – they take twice as long as dogs and cats. Breadon’s proposal is would let pet stores sell guinea pigs from the shelters.  You can read more about this here. 

No Nips for Boston

We’ve seen the tiny nip bottles littering the gutters, streets, and parks. (If you’ve never noticed them, now you will. Southie loves littering the streets with Fireball nips.) Well, City Councilor Ricardo Arroyo would like to see nips- banned from liquor stores. He recently filed a hearing order for the Boston Public Health Commission and Licensing Board to get together and discuss a ban.  He’s hoping it will positively impact public health and cut down on litter.  You can read more about Arroyo’s proposal here! 

What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!



  1. Kevin Shaughnessy March 22, 2023 at 3:41 pm - Reply

    so sales of quarter pints are going to increase

  2. Nina Thomas March 22, 2023 at 4:52 pm - Reply

    I am so very tired of the trash, including all the “nips” bottles, that litter the sidewalks here in Southie. If this bill helps in anyway, I am for it.

    • Joe cook March 26, 2023 at 10:04 am - Reply

      This is what I pay taxes for ? Ricardo is a pompous ass !! I am not a fan of his or proposals without substance that actually take time to think about .

  3. Maybe I’m Getting Old, But… March 23, 2023 at 2:23 pm - Reply

    …I can’t keep up with this nonsense. I mean…make up your minds, will ya??
    FIRST they burn the bras and NOW they wanna ban the ni…….no…wait……🤔

  4. TK March 23, 2023 at 3:07 pm - Reply

    Why can’t they be recycled? Or put 5 cents deposit on them? As far as banning Guinea Pigs…I think it’s overkill. We are seeing the left over from the pandemic and it will eventually go back to pre-pandemic numbers.

  5. G-money March 23, 2023 at 4:31 pm - Reply

    yeah, let them keep banning one thing after another, that solves nothing but giving more power to government to control our lives.

  6. Linda Lynch March 23, 2023 at 4:35 pm - Reply

    Well, I do agree they litter the streets, but if these teenagers go for the 1/2 pints & pints, they will get drunker and either create a problem in the streets or to themselves. hmmmm.

  7. Karen Morris March 23, 2023 at 4:36 pm - Reply

    They eat Guinea pigs in Peru and there is nothing. Wrong with nips

  8. Thomas King March 24, 2023 at 8:20 am - Reply

    Guinea pigs / nips ? What about all the illegal drug trade and the discarded needles littering our parks and beaches were our children play? Wake up Liz.

  9. Timbo March 26, 2023 at 8:40 pm - Reply

    Karen, honestly, they eat Guinea Pigs in Peru ? They eat monkey brains in Thailand, should we allow wild monkeys on the streets of Southie ? Nips are a “gateway introduction” to more serious alcohol consumption which is Subsuming our neighborhood. Alcohol use disorder among our young residents is disturbing.. Let’s set up parameters where we all can peacefully co~exist. Can’t we all just get along without making Guinea Pigs of our younger residents? Together WeCan!!!

    • John April 12, 2023 at 2:03 pm - Reply

      Peacefully co exist as long as I have it my way without nips. These people are insane, What is your favorite beverage, I seen some of those in the pristine streets of Southie, I want those banned. Just too freaking much. Ditto on the needles and Fentanyl raging through the city. What a joke. Nips. I never throw trash around but I think Southie needs some more empty nip bottles in the gutters.

  10. Let Me Just Say… March 30, 2023 at 5:49 pm - Reply

    …this: (if I may):There seems to be a common thread here giving “credit”(?) to our “youngsters” for the proliferation of the wee lil’ nip bottles dotting our landscape. Uh-uh.
    I know FOR A FACT that, in a neighboring little “Town” of ours, anyways, THE biggest customers for a certain libation that, shall we say, “mimics” the taste of a certain round, hard, spicy-hot candy….is,..and I’m trying to not use the “y” word here…your garden-variety…”soccer mom”(??).


    They buy them BY THE SLEEVE. Just sayin’.

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