Southie’s 6-12: Take that 7-11

0.6 min readBy Published On: June 1st, 2017Categories: News2 Comments on Southie’s 6-12: Take that 7-11

We love the idea of anyone starting a business out of spite.  Well, that’s exactly what the owner of a the convenience store on East Broadway did.  After opening a franchise of 7-11 in Southie and then having issues with the company, Abu Musa decided he would open a direct competition and run them out of business.   He called it 6-12!  You can read all about this in a new article in The Boston Globe by Billy Baker.

According to my 14 year-old, a connoisseur of Southie convenience stores, 6-12 has some of the best deals in town.  They also are a UPS Access Point and you can purchase your Charlie Cards there too!

Stop by and say hello!


  1. Jennifer June 2, 2017 at 3:13 pm - Reply

    Smart ass! I love it!!!!

  2. Brownie June 3, 2017 at 4:17 am - Reply

    6-12 was not started out of “spite” as Caught in Southie would describe it. It’s perseverance and fortitude in the face corporate moronism.

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