Southie Shoutout: Robin Aranson
Last week, personal trainer Robin Aranson had a break between clients and was driving towards the Moakley Park to the track to run the stadium when an elderly woman caught her eye on Columbia Road near G Street.
“She caught my eye because she was walking with a walker with her arm in a sling. It was also odd because it was very cold out and it was early in the morning,” said Aranson. It was 15 degrees out and approximately 6:45am. The woman was wearing her pajamas and had a light weight jacket over her shoulders.
“She didn’t have gloves or a hat on and she was wearing slip on shoes without socks,” added Aranson.
Aranson parked her car in the parking lot at Carson Beach when the woman walked by and Aranson asked her if she was okay. She responded that she was fine and was going for a walk.
“Luckily, I hesitated before going on a run and I kept an eye on her because it seemed strange to me. It was just a few short minutes later she left her walker and walked right down to the beach and into the ocean! I quickly called 911 and ran down towards the water.”
At first, the woman was floating on her back but quickly flipped over due to her arm in the sling. Her wet clothes began to weigh her down and the woman started to sink. “ I put my phone down – I was still on with 911 – and jumped in and dragged her out. I pulled her up onto the sand and waited for the police, fire and EMS.” BDP, State Police and an ambulance showed up and took care of the woman.
“It was so unbelievably cold while waiting and I couldn’t feel my feet, legs or hands and I felt terrible for that poor lady but the EMTs said that she should be okay,” added Aranson.
If it weren’t for the quick action of Aranson, this incident could have ended tragically and it’s this reason that we’re giving her a big Southie Shoutout! Thank you, Robin for your brave and selfless act!
A very big shoutout to Robin for her actions.
So close to ending up very differently
Well done, Robin!!????????cousin. Sandy
Robin’s Dad was a combat medic in VietNam. So the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
That’s amazing that her instinct told her not to keep driving. The poor lady probably has dimentia. Great job Robin..
Wow my dude. Very excellent.
Great job Robin! You saved that lady’s life.
Good for you for being alert and concerned about someone else. You Rock!
What an unbelievable person ! A hero and an angel rolled into one!
As her Mom, of course I’m proud of Robin for so many reasons. This is just one of hundreds❤️
Way to go, Robin!! Kudos to you for saving a person’s life!! All the best to you, as well as the woman whose life you saved!! Brava!
Very thoughtful, kind and brave. Love this type of report. There are a lot of good people out there. Nicely done, Robin.
This is the craziest story, thank god you were there. This deserves more than a Southie shoutout, you are a hero!