Southie Real Estate Scoop: 190- 206 West 2nd Street Development

2.4 min readBy Published On: July 16th, 2014Categories: News2 Comments on Southie Real Estate Scoop: 190- 206 West 2nd Street Development

Written by Betsy Walsh Frissora

The massive residential project proposed for 190-206 West 2nd Street (also known as 181-185 West 1st Street) has been approved, and the developers of Triad Alpha Partners LLC and R&B Design are moving forward with their 30 million dollar plan. The location of the project site is bordered by West 1st Street (North), and C Street (East), and West 2nd Street (South). It will replace an old warehouse and parking lot with a 90,000 sq.ft. three-story residential building sitting only a block away from the new West Square development. 
The three-story structure will contain 97 rental apartment units, 115 garage parking spots, and 4000 sq.ft. of ground floor retail space. The housing units will be built on top of the garage, and have entrances on West  1st Street and West  2nd Street. The U-shaped building will be equipped with 2 elevators,  one at each lobby entrance on West 2nd Street and West 1st Street. It will follow the setbacks of the property on the north, east and west streets, and create a courtyard/open air atrium in the middle of the building.
The residential units are a mix of one and two bedroom units, relatively small in size, ranging from 625 sq.ft.  to 1,278 sq.ft.  All of the units will be flats, except for two townhouses, and all of the units will be sold at market value, which (based on current market price) will most likely range from 500k- 999k.      
According to the plan, the development will bring many public benefits to the area such as:

  • Creation of approximately 97 housing units for young professionals in close proximity to the Innovation District.
  • Replacing an unattractive industrial site with a new, appealing residential building and parking facility, providing functional and aesthetic improvements to the neighborhood.
  • Creating an improved streetscape along West 1st and West 2nd Streets with new sidewalks that will be more inviting to pedestrians.
  • Construction of courtyards and building setbacks that will provide open landscaped space that improves the visual experience for neighboring residences.
  • Promoting a safer 24-hour use in the neighborhood with permanent residents.
  • Improving the security and appearance with additional lighting, new trees, and public sidewalks.
  • Creating a transit-oriented community.
  • Construction-related employment for 18-24 months.
  • Generating new property taxes to increase the City’s revenues.
  • Overall increase in economic development activity in the Broadway/ West Second Street area.

?All in all, the 190-206 West 2nd Street development promises many public benefits for the South Boston community, but as always it also brings up many concerns regarding the over-development in the neighborhood. How will these new developments impact the quality of life in South Boston? Will the influx of new residents and retail bring unwanted traffic to the neighborhood? How will this impact the already tight parking situation?  

Image: BRA



  1. confused July 17, 2014 at 11:04 am

    The article says there are 97 rentals, but some will also be sold at market prices. So what is the breakdown of rentals to owner occupied?


  2. Tim August 27, 2014 at 11:57 am
    Do you know what the start/completion dates are?

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