So there was a Trump Rally in Southie on Sunday…

0.6 min readBy Published On: March 4th, 2024Categories: News0 Comments on So there was a Trump Rally in Southie on Sunday…

While people were out Castle Island enjoying the first trip to Sullivan’s of the 2024 season, a Sunday afternoon was disrupted with a Trump Rolling Rally motorcade complete with honking horns, giant trucks with Trump flags, “Deport Illegals” flags and red MAGA caps. Many of the trucks’ license plates were from New Hampshire and were in town to rally the base for the presidential primary election on Tuesday – yes, there’s an election on Tuesday.

Needless to say, some people were less than thrilled, and many arguments ensued, telling the TRUMP supporters to “go back to New Hampshire.”

Did you see them yesterday?

In 2020, the Trump campaign caused a neighborhood stir for painting Trump 2020 on the streets.

Thank you to Peter Goudy for the photo. 




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