Sex and the City: City Council is Proposing that Rats Go on Birth Control

Yes, rat birth control is a thing.

The City of Boston has a rat situation. Rodent infestation has been a problem in neighborhoods across the city over the past few years. Back in April 2022, the Boston City Council held a hearing on rodent control. The hearing was intended to discuss measures that the city can take to respond to the uptick in rodent activities and long-term strategies that will reduce the rats and pest populations in our neighborhoods. One of those measures? Getting rats on birth control.

Rats can have over 1000 babies a year.  Yes, shocking, we know! After a successful 2023 rat birth control pilot program in Jamaica Plain that reduced the rat population, the City Council is hoping to launch it citywide. There were 80% fewer rat sightings since the program began at the start of 2023.  Sounds promising.

Councilor Enrique PepĂ©n introduced a measure at a city council meeting last week to implement a “community-safe rodent birth control.”

So how does it work? Do the females have to make an appointment her OBGYN? No, that’s ridiculous.  Basically, the birth control can be put into sweetened water or pellets that would safely sterilize the rats without harming them or any other animals. 

“37 bald eagles across greater Boston have died slow painful deaths from this poison. In fact, 100% of hawks in our area have been found with these crippling poisons in their systems according to our local rehabilitators at Tufts Universities,” Pepén said.

Experts say birth control in rat traps not only helps cut back on the rat population but is safer for animals that may eat rats.

City Councilor Ed Flynn also brought up the fact that the City doesn’t have enough certified pest control examiners, and exterminators.

The plan now moves into committee for further review. All 13 Boston City Councilors voiced support for the plan at their weekly meeting.

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