Senator Linda Dorcena Forry is moving on! 

0.4 min readBy Published On: January 25th, 2018Categories: News7 Comments on Senator Linda Dorcena Forry is moving on! 

Looks like our state senator is moving on to the private sector According to the Boston Globe, Linda Dorcena Forry will be the northeast region’s vice president for diversity inclusion and community relations at Suffolk Construction.  She will resigning from the South Boston-Dorchester seat in the Massachusetts State Senate on Friday.

You know what that means?  A special election!  Stay tuned!  In the meantime, who the heck is gonna run the St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast?



  1. Not So New To The Hood January 26, 2018 at 11:03 am - Reply

    It’s too bad most residents couldn’t care less about local politics. And by most I mean the under 35 crowd.

  2. Oldtimesouthie January 28, 2018 at 8:40 am - Reply

    Nick Collins for her spot??

  3. Eric kozlowski January 29, 2018 at 9:15 am - Reply

    If Southie gets behind Nick Collins like we should then we’ll take back the senate seat from Dorchester. Southie needs more political power to stave off the insane development planned for Dorchester Avenue. Collins would have beaten Forry if but for a small splinter vote in Southie Have we learned our lesson? Time to lay the foundation to return Southie to the height of political power. The real question will be who succeeds Nick as state rep in Southie. Become politically active. Stevie Lynch can’t do all the political heavy lifting for Southie by himself!

    • Not So New To The Hood January 29, 2018 at 1:28 pm - Reply

      We need more power to stave off more housing? Why exactly are we trying to stop more housing? My vote solely hinges on housing, because it is by far the #1 issue we have.

      Also, if any candidate wants to outlaw unions I’ll vote for you too.

  4. wtf021 January 29, 2018 at 3:08 pm - Reply

    Hey Maureen, are you going to run again?

  5. Eric kozlowski January 30, 2018 at 1:20 am - Reply

    Dear Numb Brains, we don’t need more housing in Southie, we need more affordable housing in Southie. Dot Ave has already been approved for a major hotel. Not helpful for the looming affordable housing crisis in the town. The proposed Rehab of the Old Harbor projects is a major step forward. Southie needs work force housing or the middle class will be forced out. Nick Collins is a huge advocate of affordable housing. A neighborhood of the haves and the have nots is a formula for disaster long term.

    • Roger Glass January 30, 2018 at 11:05 am - Reply

      South Boston is not littered with enough “affordable housing” for you yet? Oye Vey!

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