Reserved Parking Spots for Car-share Companies

2.1 min readBy Published On: October 22nd, 2015Categories: News9 Comments on Reserved Parking Spots for Car-share Companies

How is this a thing? 

So apparently the pilot program to set aside public parking spots for car-sharing companies like Zipcar and Enterprise has begun.  Three spots in the municipal parking lot on West Broadway are now dedicated to this program called Drive Boston – which now “owns” roughly 80 (initially it was thought it would be more like 200) spots throughout the city of Boston.  The goal of this program is not only to generate revenue for the city, but to  also to encourage people to get rid of their cars and create more parking spots.  Less cars equals more spots, right?  Southie residents haven’t seen any evidence of this nonsense.  

Southie has more residential parking permits than we do parking spots – a fact that becomes crystal clear after circling blocks looking for a spot.   Another fact? people in Boston love their cars and won’t get rid of them.  They may not use their cars everyday but they like knowing it’s there on the street just in case they get a last minute offer to go skiing in Vermont.   

So the fact that the city is now taking away coveted parking spots doesn’t make much sense to us.  What does make sense? How about start enforcing tickets for non-residents parking overnight on neighborhood streets.  If they don’t get a ticket, they will keep parking there.  In most cases a parking ticket is less expensive than paying for parking.  

Parking in South Boston is a nightmare and these newly dedicated parking spots for car-share companies just add insult to injury – especially when the car has an out of state plate.  

So when does the pilot program end?  According to the city’s website, “During the 18 month pilot, we will work with Zipcar and Enterprise CarShare to collect data on usage and survey information from members. The City will analyze the data and use it to inform us on the future of the program.”  Hmmm….we hope it’s not the same analyzing of data that was used with the 7 day parking pilot program in City Point.  We have a feeling those designated spots in the lot are here to stay.  Let’s hope more designated spots don’t start popping up! 

If you would like to learn more about Drive Boston pilot program you can visit:


  1. Anonymous October 22, 2015 at 8:56 pm

    these spaces are not represented on the City website map. smh…..

  2. george October 23, 2015 at 1:17 pm

    Well and good but register the car in Massachusetts. Can't have your cake and eat it too.

  3. Secret Santa October 23, 2015 at 5:51 pm

    Oh yeah let's get rid of our cars.. and houses too – we can all live in tents and commute via the MBTA – greatest transit system in the world. 

  4. Anonymous October 24, 2015 at 5:19 pm

    the same dicks who complain about putting out space savers during a snowstorm are the same dicks who use these ride sharing cars. Same difference… are saving parking spaces.

  5. Ned October 25, 2015 at 8:56 pm

    What ever happened to 24/7 resident parking ? From Friday afternoon to Monday morning I have non- resident and out of state cars all over my neighborhood , does not seem fair to the people that are paying taxes in this town. Thanks

  6. Anonymous October 26, 2015 at 3:59 pm

    They should angle the parking spots on one way streets and only park on one side, this way idiots with big cars or fancy cars cant take up the space for two cars on the side street.  It will also allow more people to park on every street.

  7. Jean November 3, 2015 at 2:14 am
    I don’t know why the BTD doesn’t come around Friday night to Monday? I too have out of state plates on my street all weekend long. It’s pretty frustrating. Please explain this to me.
  8. Todd November 3, 2015 at 2:24 pm
    You want want a place to park your private property? Buy one. Boston firs not owe you a free parcel of land to park your car on.
  9. Caca November 3, 2015 at 7:17 pm

    Cars are antiquated and will soon be replaced by robots. If you like cars so much, move to the suburbs so you can drive all the damn time, park at malls, eat fast food, get fat & be depressed. 

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