Quarters? We don’t need no stinkin’ quarters! ParkBoston app
We’ve all encountered the following scenario. You score a prime parking spot directly in front of the restaurant you’re having dinner at. It’s one of those meters that only take quarters. You begin the dance of scrounging through coffee cup holders, bags, pockets looking for quarters. You come up with two quarters, three dimes a nickel and 28 pennies. Two quarters will get you 24 minutes. So you better hurry up and eat before you get a ticket.
Mayor Marty Walsh announced on Tuesday night at the State of the City Address – the City has launched a brand new app called ParkBoston. You can download the app on iTunes and the Android store, create an account and save your debit number into the system. Now you can start paying for meters by entering a code. Running out of time of the meter? No need to run down the street to feed the meter, you can do it from your phone. Genius. The app will also send you an alert 10 minutes before the meter is about to expire. Sweet!
Find out more information here: http://park.boston.gov/