Public Safety Alert

1 min readBy Published On: July 27th, 2015Categories: News2 Comments on Public Safety Alert

In Southie

Over the weekend, an attempted robbery occurred in South Boston late Saturday night at approximately 1:00am.  Two females were approached near 645 East Sixth Street  by two black males wearing hoodies, carrying a possibly fake gun and tried to rob them.   The suspects then fled.  An off duty police office living in the area saw the suspects leave in a white minivan.  

See a tweet Captain Grealand from the Boston police sent out on Monday morning.  

Additional patrols will be sent to the City Point neighborhood of South Boston.  Just a few weeks ago, there was a similar attack on K Street.  

On Friday, July 10th around midnight, a female South Boston resident was walking down K Street and was approached by two males driving in a car.  One allegedly got out of the vehicle and approached the female holding a gun and demanding her purse and phone.  The female handed over her purse and the two suspects drove away.  In both incidents, police reports were filed with the BPD.  

Be safe out there, Southie! 


  1. fran f July 27, 2015 at 2:31 pm

    were the assailants black in the first attempted robbery on K street

  2. Anonymous July 27, 2015 at 5:19 pm

    One correction.  They didn't approach us on Friday night.  They jumped on our backs from behind, knocking us to the ground, and then we did our best to defend ourselves and scream, while they were on top of us grabbing at us and our purses.  Huge thank you to the neighbors, who yelled and came out to our aid and scared them off of us, and to the off duty policeman, who was incredibly helpful.  Thank you so much.

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