PSA: String of Burglaries in Southie
A little Public Service Announcement:
We are getting multiple reports of package thefts, car and home break-ins happening all over the neighborhood. In particular, cars that are left unlock, or parked in secluded driveways, are being hit. So lock your doors. And as always, if you see something, say something.
Home surveillance cameras have also captured numerous suspects swiping packages from door steps – not to mention the very bizarre case of the woman with the baby that just walked into someone’s home on East Fourth Street.
Be safe out there, Southie!
Anyone with information is asked to call C-6 station at 617-343-4730. You can also call the Crime Stoppers Unit – Hotline at (800) 494-8477 or by texting the word ‘TIP’ to CRIME (27463).
car rifled through in the ally behind K Street….. they took all my quarters for parking! :( sad that someone would do something like this in a neighborhood :(
We live in a densely populated neighborhood with multiple public housing developments. If you aren’t parking in a private, secure garage you should always lock your car, even at the pump honestly. There are a lot of people in this city who don’t have much to lose.
No matter where one lives and/or parks their car(s), they have to lock them when they’re not using them, especially nowadays. That’s particularly true during the holiday season, and even on Hallowe’en night, when people are more likely to be ripped off, or to have their car(s) and/or other properties vandalized.
It is not always public housing Tenants that are behind these type of incidents. A few years back city point kids were breaking into cars and taking belongings, so before you make a actuation you should have something to base it on
I wasn’t accusing any individuals in particular, I was just raising the fact that we do live within close proximity to a class of people, whom on average commit more crime than those who don’t live in said complexes.
There’s a reason this doesn’t happen as often in the nicer burbs. 1. Density 2. Class of people
blows my mind that people don’t lock their car doors..have some street smarts I mean cmon
I’m actually from the lower end myself so it actually pisses me off when I hear someone say it must be someone from the projects also referred to as people from the lower end. I know numerous people from the lower end including myself who never broke into a car in my life. I also know people who may be capable of doing something like that. This could be a person from the lower end yes but let’s not forgot its most likely driven by drugs and drugs don’t discriminate my friends. I know people who grow up down by the beach and there up bringing would be something compared to the partridge family and that goes for the burbs to. Drugs are everywhere and all walks of life are using them . So my advice you should really think before you speak. It’s a bit insulting when I hear half the shit people say at times being from the lower end myself and one last thing. It made me who I am today and woudnt change it for anything.. I took it as a lesson and it drove me to better myself and I did . I’m proud to be where I was once from and great people come out of the projects there is good and bad everywhere…..