Parade Organizers Release a Statement about this Year’s Shortened Parade Route

Evidently, there was some negativity stirring on social media this week in regards to this year’s shortened St. Patrick’s Day Parade route. So much so, that the South Boston Allied War Veterans – the parade organizers – released the following statement:
Dave Falvey, Commander, SBAWVC: “It is important to say that the decision to shorten this year’s route was made very much at the peak of the Omicron wave, when it wasn’t clear if, or when, events could return to any sort of normalcy. Our council opted for a shorter route that put the least amount of strain on public safety. Our focus was to bring the parade back in some form for 2022, even if not the full route, after two very long years away.
This wasn’t a decision taken lightly but one which had to be made months in advance for planning purposes and one which was based on the available information and public safety input at the time. We understand how meaningful the traditional route is to South Boston, with the parade incorporating Dorchester Heights where Evacuation Day was made possible. Despite the shortened route this year, our plan is for the parade to revert back to its traditional route in 2023, as it was in 2019 and was planned to be in 2020.
Organizing and producing a parade that satisfies most people is not an easy endeavor and we count on the active participation and support of our community. March 20th, 2022 is going to be a proud day for South Boston and an opportunity to come together as a community to welcome the participants and visitors to this year’s parade. We look forward to seeing you all there.”
Editor’s Note: Organizing an event of this size and scale takes an enormous amount of coordination, dedication plus hard work and lots of time. It is no easy task. The South Boston Allied War Veterans have worked tirelessly to ensure that this time-honored neighborhood tradition of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade is taking place this year. We realize there are some people disappointed by the shortened route but let’s focus on the fact that after two long years without it, the parade is returning. Let’s celebrate, together, this amazing neighborhood that we love and are fortunate enough to call our hometown!
P.S. Volunteers are still needed – so if you’d like to help out, kindly contact parade organizers here!

Maureen Dahill is the founder of Caught in Media. Once a longtime wardrobe and prop stylist for brands such as Rue La La, TJ Max & Hasbro, she is a devoted lover of vintage clothing, Martini Mondays, Castle Island, AND a 4th generation South Boston native. Mother of three, married to Peter G.
As a former 02127 I LOVE the ☘️ Is back. C’mon, Friends! Follow the directives and just appreciate the parade can happen!
Parade planners, in my opinion let the gays March!
Happy Paddy’s to All☘️
Could have still had short route go by Dorchester Heights from Andrew Square skip Broadway and just go straight 6th Street.
I honestly can’t remember when the last time we had a parade without some kind of controversy.
100 percent agree! I think some residents thrive on controversy.
Maybe some people appreciate the fact that it’s a commemoration of Evacuation Day for which Dorchester Heights and our veterans past and present play a huge part. That is not “controversy”, that is our history and the tradition of celebrating both Dorchester Heights and Veterans is more important to some of us, I guess.
It will never go back to original route .. public safety is paramount and road barriers are needed . The long route is too much They need blocking vehicles so a rogue vehicle can’t crash into crowd