Marine Park Cleanup on Saturday

0.9 min readBy Published On: April 21st, 2022Categories: News1 Comment on Marine Park Cleanup on Saturday

Pitch in!

BOSTON – This Saturday April 23rd is Park Serve Day across the state the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) partners with local businesses, community leaders and organizations to host park cleanups across the DCR portfolio to start the spring season.

South Boston is home to some of the most utilized public open spaces in Massachusetts and on Saturday, Sen. Nick Collins & Rep. David Biele will co-host with Rep. Stephen Lynch a cleanup at Marine Park in South Boston beginning at 10 AM.

“Park Serve Day is a great way to bring the community together and get our parks ready for the spring and summer,” said Sen. Nick Collins, a regular host of the Park Serve Day cleanup effort in South Boston at Marine Park and Pleasure Bay.

“We’ve got some work to do out at Castle Island, Pleasure Bay and Marine Park and Saturday is a good way to get things started.” said Rep. David Biele.

For those interested in part-time and full-time employment, DCR staff will be on hand to accept applications for seasonal employment including maintenance, safety and lifeguard positions.

One Comment

  1. Dave Connolly April 21, 2022 at 4:08 pm - Reply

    Yeah, I’ll get involved, can I charge you an hourly rate for my labor? My exorbitant taxes should pay for such things as this. While we’re talking about my taxes, could the Mayor bring BTD through my block, East Fourth from K to L every night and ticket the out of state cars here 24/7-365 while I pay outrageous insurance for registering my vehicle as the law demands at my Southie home. My next door neighbors have been here for well over a year parking at least three cars with out of state plates, and parking like morons. Are you not supposed to register in this state within a time frame after moving in? But the owner is not on site and seems oblivious to his noisy, out of control tenants whom the rest of us on this block have to deal with. Out of state parkers hide in this block which is adjacent to the Resident Only parking across L Street. Am I ranting? With good reason.

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