Marian Manor Will Close its Doors in South Boston in the Fall

The Marian Manor nursing home in South Boston will close later this year after facing high renovation costs and failing to reach a deal to redevelop the site while keeping the operation open.
According to the Boston Globe, the decision was filed with the state Department of Public Health on Tuesday to close the nearly two-acre complex that is on Dorchester Street and stretches up to Thomas Park.
The Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm, who run the nursing home, told the Globe they are working to place all residents into new homes. The Manor is licensed for up to 215 nursing home beds and 23 “rest home” beds that need less intensive care.
Sad news for the residents and their families. No word yet on what exactly will replace the home in the future.
You can get all the details here.

Maureen Dahill is the founder of Caught in Media. Once a longtime wardrobe and prop stylist for brands such as Rue La La, TJ Max & Hasbro, she is a devoted lover of vintage clothing, Martini Mondays, Castle Island, AND a 4th generation South Boston native. Mother of three, married to Peter G.
will the manor reopen at another location
As of now, they are not opening at a new location. The sisters are looking for new homes for residents.
that’s such a shame for the residents and their families truly is anything that was a solid piece of south boston history is gone ..soon to be turned into restaurant/bar or condo ..nothing of true substance standing anymore …
Southie History? It’s a nursing home that was built in the 1950s!
….”family history”…”Abe”. Many generations of Southie peop…aw, forget it. If ya don’t know,…ya don’t know.
Stay in your lane…and stifle it.
In the Southie that I knew, the community would rally together and try to save this institution. This is beyond sad for the residents, families and dedicated staff.
Watch out for Wu and Healy to open it up again to house illegals!!
…That’s just science.
You got that right!
This is what happens when greed infiltrates communities , it essentially Chinese warfare destroy from within . Now politicians change their districts to accommodate their voter base , because our newest residents treat it like a bedroom community and could care less about voting . South Boston was once the strongest voting town on the east coast . We were strength by our cohesive numbers / only to be destroyed by adhesive greed . And until we meet again may God hold you softly in the palm of his hands , JC .
Joe: I could not agree more. There is always more to the story than meets the eye. The Truth will eventually come out, it always does.
Jarron: Unfortunately you are right on the money.
Jarron – They’ve already designated a task force to identify locations such as this. This time next year, Barbara will be WISHING it was turned into a restaurant/condo with no ‘substance’. They can find plenty of money for the ‘newcomers’, but nothing for the Sisters of the Poor.
So very sad. especially for residents, families sisters and staff.
I was born at The Old Carney Hospital on that very site. Two buildings are still standing, Then the Carney Hospital moved to Dorchester. Then the Carmelite Sisters came to Southie and stated Marian Manor.
They had a great run. Truth be told they don’t have many Sisters left to care for the elderly like they did years ago. They had so many of them. It was a real vocation to care and to show such compassion and love for the Aged and Infirm. You can still see the CH, {Carney Hospital} on the cast iron fence as you enter Marian Manor.
I had the privilege of volunteering when I was in school at Marian Manor for years. That is why I became a nurse. Have such wonderful memories from volunteering. Learned so much for the “Old Folks.” My parents were so thankful, for they knew were I was after school.
Hope they are able to place ever resident in a clean and caring facility.
Very sad day for Southie seniors & families. I hope this isn’t another huge grab by the Wu/Healy train to shelter more illegals! Old Southie would be all over this disaster!
This is just criminal. Another step toward eliminating the elder population in favor of the money hungry liberal backed developers who prove every day that they have no use or compassion for the elderly.
How about giving our sick and infirmed an earned quality of life . They are the people who deserve sanctuary, peace and comfort.
My mother was lovingly cared for by the Marion Manor staff for a year until she passed 21 years ago. God bless the Nuns and staff. Its sad to see the Manor close.
Where will the Carmelite Nuns go ?
They will go to other Carmelites Homes or to their Mother House at Avilla on the Hudson. Mother Angelina would be greatly saddened by all this.
I suggest the people of Southie get a copy of the Will of Andrew Carney. The Estate of Andrew Carney. I am not sure who actually owned it at the time the Vincentian Sisters began the Hospital in Southie: the Archdiocese or the Sisters. I suspect the Sisters. Andrew Carney stipulated in his Will if the owner ever decided to sell the place (I believe this would include Dorchester ) it was to be given gratis to the City of Boston. Also that one Daughter of Charity was to always remain on the Board of Directors. The Archdiocese sold all of its Catholic Hospitals and the Carney in Dorchester was not given gratis to the City of Boston. Someone please check my facts as I know them. I was born at the Old Carney! Visited the Dispensery aalot!
Perfect situation for the archdiocese to step in
If it can happen to St Peter and Pauls Church it can happen anywhere. Just consider: Gate of Heaven School, Cardinal Cushing High School, Msgr Patersons’s, St Peters School, Gate of Heaven Rectory and High School,
Nazareth High School…. One day there will be only 1 Church in Southie: Gate of Heaven. Who benefited from these sales: Churchmen and Politicians. SAD!
I am surprised more people in/from Southie aren’t responding to this unfortunate situation. Perhaps its because most of the people who would really care are either dead or moved to the suburbs. Or perhaps its because Southie has been taken over by the much younger generations which see no need to respond except to put their name on the list for one of the eventual condos there. The will call it Marian Village. One cannot escape becoming infirm/elderly unless God has other plans. If you want to see a REAL WOMAN read the life of Mother Angeline O Carm. Foundress of the Sisters and Marian Manor. He has a REAL HEART!!!!
…plenty of beds….industrial kitchen…office space for the overpaid, under-trained, identity-hire, alphabet-soup (except for “W”) staff. This is perfect .
The only thing missing is the huge banner on the front of The Manor which reads: “WELCOME TO AMERICA! WELCOME TO SOUTHIE!! WELCOME HOME!!!”,
(I should’ve invested in “FOR SALE” signs when I had the chance. Dang it.)
Just a bit of History: Did you know that Mother Angeline Teresa: Foundress of the Carmelites Sisters for the Aged and Infirm was once a LITTLE SISTER OF THE POOR. She left and 6 other Sisters with her believed the Little Sisters were not humane enough in caring for the elderly. She believed elderly couples should have a room together, a Pub for socializing, outside trips to different places if interest…..I could go on. And to top it all off she was IRISH. Her last name was McCrory. Read her bio.!