M Street Park Has Gone to the Dogs
Looks like M Street/Medal of Honor Park is going to become the largest dog park in Southie. Last August, the City of Boston announced that the beloved City Point park will get some much needed improvements. The resurfacing of the pathways was completed in early September as part of phase one. Community meetings were held to discuss the second phase including the Lee Playground, lawn restoration, new play equipment, and site furnishings.
Evidently a large number of dog owners showed up at the meeting because it has been revealed that a large section of green space will be a designated dog park – including the fenced in playground. This new dog park will be the triangle section between the stairs at M and East Second to the stairs at N and East Second that follows the paths to the Vietnam Memorial.
“There is already a playground down the stairs near the baseball fields. There really is no need to have two playgrounds. Plus I hardly every see any children utilizing the playground up top. Dogs out-number the kids at this park,” said Marianne Henderson, dog walker.
But children shouldn’t feel slighted, the Lee Playground (lower level) play structure will be getting an update and the bathrooms will get a much needed renovation.
The new dog park will be “state of the art” featuring canine exercise apparatus, new fencing, dog waste bag dispensers and receptacles. There will also be hand sanitizer stations and doggie water fountains.
Southie is now officially man’s best friend capital of Boston! Woof! Woof!
April Fools!
Obituary: Noah Greany, 26, who was tragically killed last weekend in South Boston
Furry Convention in Town – Anthro New England taking place in the Seaport.
Councilor Flynn Files Hearing Order on Expanding Pedestrian Safety Infrastructure, Resolution in Support of Replacing Concurrent Phasing Traffic Signals