Looks like things are happening on Day Boulevard!
The Department of Conservation and Recreation and MassDOT announced that on Monday, August 20, 2018, and Tuesday, August 21, 2018 there will be a road closure along William J. Day Boulevard between Babe Ruth Park Drive and O Street from 8:00PM to 5:00AM to accommodate MassDOT roadway milling work.
An overnight ‘No Parking’ ban will be in effect during work hours. Traffic patterns will be clearly marked, and a police detail will be on site.
Additionally, temporary overnight parking for residents with a valid City of Boston, South Boston Resident Parking Sticker will be provided at the angled parking spots located between Shore Road and the Castle Island parking lot.
One step closer to safer streets in Southie! In addition to road milling, updating the traffic signals at L and Day Boulevard and improving pedestrian crosswalks to be ADA compliant and installation of “bump outs.” These improvements are in response to the feedback received from the DCR and MassDOT Day Boulevard Safety Improvement Project!
Does anybody know about stop signs for “L” STREET ( MARINE RD, EAST 7th, EAST 6th, EAST 4th, EAST 2nd and EAST 3rd).???
4 lane, 4 way stops? I think you’re referring to a traffic light.
Whats Road Milling?
They bring this massive windmill in and turn the asphalt into whole wheat bread.
Milling is the ripping up and removal of the old pavement in a roadway in preparation of resurfacing.
What is “resurfacing”?
Does anyone have any feedback regarding the sudden enforcement of the” no parking 20 feet from the intersection rule” ? Tickets were issued at M and 8th and Hardy and 8th. Even then, not all of the vehicles on the corners were ticked. I wonder if any other areas were affected? While I wholeheartedly agree with many of the changes on L St., to further target parking spaces in the neighborhood to comply with this regulation seems very arbitrary and punitive. I would hope that this issue could be re-addressed at the next parking meeting.
Yeah I’ve got some feedback, its a load of BS. Got one myself. was probably 15 ft from the intersection at E x Silver, complete BS if you ask me, been parking like that for years and now you’re going to bring out the measuring tape? Literally reducing the amount of viable spaces by about 1 car per block. That’s like a 5% reduction for NO reason.
But I thought everyone was selling their cars and moving here because the MBTA is so easily accessible?
“Hi, my name is Brian and I generalize & name call when someone has a counter opinion to me.”
Ha ha ha ha ha ….I’m so glad you got a ticket!!!!!!!! I hope you get LOTS of them. Did you read what it said, look closely…there’s a box checked that says “Being an idiot in the comment section – $25.00”
Could not be happier than to hear that you received a ticket as well, hopefully it’s just the first of many to come! I’m sure everyone who visits this page has heard enough of your know-it-all comments or you complaining about a blog Maureen posts.
M and 8th are bus stop corners, you talking about those no parking area?
Apparently there is an ordinance that you “must be 20 ft from an intersection” when parked. Where exactly that 20 feet starts clearly is up for debate. Also parking 20 feet up the block on both sides of it removes 2 whole parking spots on every block on every side. So essentially this is deeming HUNDREDS of potential spots as violating that rule….And Eleanor, I don’t even have to say it, I hope you have a great day.
Yesterday the blinking sign that says the speed coming up from L & 8th wasn’t working – well put it this way it wasn’t showing anyone’s speed… ?? when I came by – that was probably about 5:00….and let me tell you the people took full advantage of it……Also we are still hoping that Broadway and the letter streets after L Street are going to be looked at as well in these surveys…seeing that the buses seem to fly down Broadway thru O & Broadway & P & Broadway – if they don’t have passengers getting off – seen that yesterday while walking as well…..need stop signs on these corners as well……Thank you
Half the buses heading toward Broadway Station on Big Broadway look like runaways, they have to be doing 40+ mph sometimes. Speed 3 Southie