A letter from Amy Lord’s family

2 min readBy Published On: August 8th, 2013Categories: News7 Comments on A letter from Amy Lord’s family

To the Community of South Boston

Dear South Boston,

We want to send our thanks to all the members of the South Boston Community.  We know your hearts are breaking right now for Amy and our family.  Amy grew up in a wonderful, small community town.  When she moved to Boston, she was looking for the same feeling and she found it in Southie.

She could sense immediately that there was a strong, family-like community that existed there.  She knew that she was one of the “newbies” and had a lot to learn, but she was anxious to be part of your community.  She loved everything about it.  She found doctor’s offices and felt at home. Thanks to a long time resident, she found a neighborhood mechanic she trusted and, of course, Castle Island and Sullivan’s.

Since this tragedy has happened our hometown, Wilbraham, has embraced our family in their love and support.  Friends, neighbors – everyone – have been trying to think of anything they can do to support us.  One of the things they have done is to place white ribbons throughout the neighborhood and around town.

Someone close to us shared the statement below that was put on Facebook by the South Boston Community.  Our family was incredibly touched.  This is a perfect example of the close, caring community that Amy knew existed.  Tragedy can and does strike in places and ways that are unimaginable, and we want everyone to know that we will never believe that it defines the South Boston Community.

Thank you so much for your show of solidarity and connection to us.  But, most importantly, thank you for embracing Amy.  We are sure she is smiling in the vibrant, infectious and loving way that only Amy can.

The Lord Family

The statement below was originally posted on Caught in Southie https://caughtinsouthie.com/remember-amy

After her tragic death on Tuesday, Amy Lord’s hometown of Wilbraham has decorated its homes and open spaces with white ribbons in Amy memory.  Let’s do the same here in South Boston and show solidarity, support and love.

We encourage you to decorate your homes, trees, businesses with a white ribbon to remember such a beautiful member of our community.  We want to see white ribbons everywhere!

Thank you!




  1. Anonymous August 8, 2013 at 7:44 am
    She should have stayed in.her hometown
  2. Bernice Irwin August 8, 2013 at 12:35 pm
    I was greatly saddened to hear of the tragic death of Amy Lord. I left South Boston over 30 years ago but get back there about every 6-12 months. I always considered South Boston a family oriented town as well as a safe place to live. I thought nothing of walking through the neighborhood late at night. My prayers go out to The Lord family for your pain and suffering.
  3. lisa August 9, 2013 at 12:48 am
    Ugh, you are the type of person that makes up the scum of the earth.
  4. george parker August 9, 2013 at 8:48 pm

    You shoulda graduated from high school…ahole

  5. Anonymous August 9, 2013 at 9:20 pm
    To the comment above, if you live in Southie you should move out. If you don’t stay away… If your trolling, you won’t get me to bite again….
  6. Anonymous August 14, 2013 at 4:58 pm

    Really?  Her family writes a touching letter to Southie residents and THIS is your comment? Maybe you should leave Southie.

  7. Gomez August 19, 2014 at 12:32 pm

    Amy was a brilliant and aspirant girl who worked hard for her goals, and for that I respected her. I know this is a great loss to her family, not only to them, to her friends and to this community. I will pray for her soul and her family. what causes snoring

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