Introducing Caught in Southie SLIP Intern – Rohan Bhatt

Fresh off a camping trip on Thompson Island, 14-year-old Rohan Bhatt is Caught in Southie’s newest intern! Rohan is part of the South Boston Neighborhood House (aka Ollie) S.L.I.P. program.  S.L.I.P. – stands for Summer Leadership Intern Program, and he’s working with us this summer!

This important program will be a transformative part of the teen participants’ summer, providing not just support, encouragement, and guidance but also fostering personal growth as they transition from childhood to young adulthood.  Through program components that cover everything from academics, job training, volunteering, and social activities, a strong foundation is being built for these kids to have success in their lives.  These young adults are standouts who possess the qualities of being leaders who will positively influence their peers, be role models to younger children, and inspire all they come in contact with.

This summer, they are out in the workforce, taking on jobs at local restaurants and small businesses in the neighborhood – including your favorite local magazine, Caught in Southie.

The S.L.I.P. program was designed to give youth in the community an opportunity to develop valuable career skills from real-world workplace experiences. Kids between the ages of 11 and 14 are placed in internships two days a week at local businesses, where they are given the chance to work and develop the professionalism and knowledge that will guide them to becoming valuable members of the workforce in the future.

Get to know Rohan:

Rohan will be entering 9th grade at Boston Latin Academy this fall.  He enjoys playing lacrosse and video games and building Legos.  Rohan is the brother of Naveen, 12, and Amee and Sachin are his parents.  When he’s not solving the Rubik’s cube, he practices the viola which he’s been playing for 8 years.

Here is a little Q+A with Rohan:

Favorite part of the Ollie Teen Program? My favorite part is going places like escape rooms.

Favorite outdoor spot in Southie? – Gold Street Park

Favorite restaurant? – Loco.  I love their tacos.

What is your favorite thing to do with your friends? Got to the park or just hang out at each other’s houses.

If you could travel to any place, where would it be and why? I would like to go to Italy to learn about the history and eat the food!

Favorite Book – Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Favorite Movie – Cars

What do you hope to learn from your internship? I’m hoping to learn what it’s like to run a small business.

Be on the lookout for Rohan in the neighborhood!  He will be creating some content for us!


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