Introducing Caught in Southie SLIP Intern – Mia DiMaggio

13-year-old Mia DiMaggio is a star on the rise! This lifelong South Boston resident is officially Caught in Southie’s newest (and first) intern and she’s going places! Mia is part of the South Boston Neighborhood House (aka Ollie) S.L.I.P. program. S.L.I.P. – stands for Summer Leadership Intern Program, and she’s working with us this summer!
This important program will be a transformative part of the teen participants’ summer, providing not just support, encouragement, and guidance, but also fostering personal growth as they transition from childhood to young adulthood. Through program components that cover everything from academics, job training, volunteering, and social activities, a strong foundation is being built for these kids to have success in their lives. These young adults are standouts who possess the qualities of being leaders who will positively influence their peers, be role models to younger children, and inspire all they come in contact with.
This summer, they are out in the workforce, taking on jobs at local restaurants and small businesses in the neighborhood – including your favorite local magazine, Caught in Southie.
The S.L.I.P. program was designed to give youth in the community an opportunity to develop valuable career skills from real-world workplace experiences. Kids between the ages of 11 and 14 are placed in internships two days a week at local businesses, where they are given the chance to work and develop the professionalism and knowledge that will guide them to becoming valuable members of the workforce in the future.
Get to know Mia:
Mia will be entering 8th grade at Boston Collegiate Charter School in the fall. She the the sister to PJ, age 10, and the daughter of Paul and Nicole. She is also the proud owner of two adorable pugs names Louie and Kozmo! She plays basketball in the summer in the South Boston Kickoff for Kids league in addition to taking dance lessons from the legendary Miss Linda.
Here is a little Q+A with Mia:
Favorite part about the teen program at the Ollie – My favorite part is meeting new people.
What to you hope to learn from your internship – I’m looking forward to learning new info about South Boston including small business and people in the community doing fun thing.
Favorite Restaurant in the Neighborhood – The Seapoint – I love the steak tips and a Shirley Temple.
Favorite Outdoor Spot in the Neighborhood – M Street Park
Favorite Book – The Summer I Turned Pretty
Favorite Movie – Florida Project
Perfect Day in the Neighborhood – shopping and going out to eat
If you could travel to any place, where would it be? The Bahamas because I love tropical places.
Be on the lookout for Mia in the neighborhood! She will be creating some content for us!

Maureen Dahill is the founder of Caught in Media. Once a longtime wardrobe and prop stylist for brands such as Rue La La, TJ Max & Hasbro, she is a devoted lover of vintage clothing, Martini Mondays, Castle Island, AND a 4th generation South Boston native. Mother of three, married to Peter G.
Love my girl ❤️
She’s a good kid!
What a great article about beautiful Mia! Such a great girl.
Proud great-auntie❤️
Good job Mia! 🩷 from Ari her best friend 🫶🏻
Wow…good for Mia
Good for Mia
Awesome Mia!
Good for you Mia, you are the best. Auntie Mo
Great article for a great kid
That was awesome. So proud of my girl!
I think that is great
Wonderful article! Mia comes from a great family!
The more I read this article the prouder I am of Mia.
She is quite a resourceful and determined young lady.
Mia seems shy at first, but you get Mia talking and it is wonderful. lol
Auntie Mo