Giant Inflatable Rat at the Curley Rec. Center

1 min readBy Published On: January 28th, 2022Categories: News2 Comments on Giant Inflatable Rat at the Curley Rec. Center

If you’re on a construction site, it’s never a good sign when a giant inflatable rat shows up.  Well, on Friday morning, the rat and about 30 protesters showed up to the Curley Community Center aka the L.

They are there to picket the non-union workers hired by the City of Boston via PJ Dionne to work on the $15 million renovations to the community center.

Evidently, PJ Dionne, a commercial plumbing and HVAC contractor based out of Woburn, is using non-union workers and that’s not flying with union workers.  Holding the signs that read, Union Busting is Distgusting and Shame on PJ Dionne, union workers stood in  the cold weather during rush hour in front of the construction site.  Beeps and honks of support could be heard from traffic passing by.

The 12-foot tall rat complete with pointy teeth and red eyes, is a symbol of a labor dispute and has been used for decades by labor unions. They serve as a sign of opposition against employers or nonunion contractors, and are intended to call public attention to companies employing nonunion labor.

A Little Union Trivia

Did you know that the giant, inflatable rat has a name? His name is Scabby the Rat.



  1. javier ortiz January 28, 2022 at 10:18 am - Reply

    Let others eat always the union stick the nose

  2. Mark Tatarczuk February 1, 2022 at 10:26 pm - Reply

    As a union worker I just want to show support and love for my union brothers and sisters

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