Frontage Road Parcel: Is Midtown on the horizon?
Looks like there could be more development is on the horizon for the Frontage Road Parcel – a city owned parcel of land that touches Southie, Dot and the South End. It’s the property next to Widett Circle. You know, what Boston 2024 planners referred to as “Midtown.” This land has also being floated around for a potential New England Revs soccer stadium. Well, Mayor Marty Walsh wants to sell that 18-acre city-owned property.
But before the City sells off the tow lot and municipal storage parcel near the Southeast Expressway, City Councilor at-Large Michelle Wu, says maybe we shouldn’t sell this piece of property so quickly. Wu wants to figure out what this public land should be used for and she wants to know what residents have to say about it. Wu told the Boston Globe, “Public land should be used for the greatest public good. We haven’t seen any analysis yet of what the greatest good would be.”
For the last 100 years, Widett Circle has been made up of two dozen meat and seafood wholesalers. It is now on the market so it should be no surprise that City is moving to sell too. It’s hot real estate.
What does that mean for our neighborhood? More construction and potentially a new neighborhood – maybe Midtown? What do you think?
The Frontage Road Parcel Hearing will take place on Thursday, November 29 @ 4pm – All hearings are in the Iannella Chamber in City Hall and can also be live streamed here. Public is encouraged to offer testimony.
Sell Sell Sell!
Whatever happens.. let’s hope it involves open public bidding with some measure of accountability.