Forry and Collins push for better T service

2.2 min readBy Published On: September 27th, 2016Categories: News8 Comments on Forry and Collins push for better T service

So it looks like some of our local officials feel our pain and are working to help alleviate the Southie bus struggle.  Senator Linda Dorcena Forry and Representative Nick Collins have been working on behalf of the residents and have been pressing the MBTA to get their act together.

Caught in Southie will be meeting with Rep. Nick Collins to hear his ideas on creative solutions to improve MBTA service – in particular the dreaded #7 route.  Be on the lookout on Wednesday morning , you may see us at your bus stop!  

A series of community meetings has been requested by Forry and Collins to solicit feedback from riders on service changes.

See press release below: 

State Senator Linda Dorcena Forry and State Representative Nick Collins continue to press the MBTA to improve service and efficiency on bus routes in South Boston. Since public meetings held last year on bus service they have urged the MBTA to explore several recommendations to increase efficiency and reliability of buses in South Boston.  

First, they have requested that the MBTA revitalize the City Point Bus Terminal on East First Street to accommodate passenger platforms and other amenities.  The terminal is currently underutilized and could greatly improve system-wide service if renovated. Furthermore, easements purchased by MassPort recently provided the MBTA with $7 million which could be leveraged for these crucial improvements. 

Secondly, Sen. Forry and Rep. Collins requested that the MBTA review the Number 7 Bus, including an examination of express service to South Station.  In one potential new configuration, express buses would travel from the City Point Terminal down East First Street and turn onto Summer Street with stops at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center and South Station, relieving congestion, reducing wait times, and improving service and reliability. 

“The overcrowding plus long waits for the number 7 bus are a problem and remain a top priority,” said Senator Forry.Rep. Collins and I are working on creative solutions to allocate resources to improve MBTA service in South Boston,” she concluded.

“These improvements would have the added benefit of attracting riders to a central hub, which will relieve overcrowding at local street corners by fixing the problem at its source. We need action from the MBTA now. People can’t wait any longer.” said Rep. Collins 

A public meeting schedule has been requested for this fall to solicit feedback from riders on service changes.  This initiative is the first of a three part plan by Sen. Forry and Rep. Collins as they focus on the MBTA, MassDOT, and transportation infrastructure upgrades in South Boston. In the coming weeks the lawmakers will address plans for upgrading Kosciusko Circle and improving financial sustainability system-wide.


  1. Southieguy September 27, 2016 at 3:37 pm - Reply

    What were their ideas? I didn’t see anyone at the bus stops this morning…but it was raining, so they probably just bailed.

    • Maureen Dahill September 27, 2016 at 3:38 pm - Reply

      CIS and Nick Collins will be at bus stop tomorrow morning. We’re hoping to find out ideas!

  2. Peter Logue September 27, 2016 at 4:34 pm - Reply

    “In one potential new configuration, express buses would travel from the City Point Terminal down East First Street and turn onto Summer Street with stops at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center and South Station, relieving congestion, reducing wait times, and improving service and reliability.”

    This is an excellent idea! I hope Linda and Nick will seriously pursue it.

  3. BroadwayToWaterfront September 27, 2016 at 4:48 pm - Reply

    It’s not just the #7. I rode the #9 bus for 10 years before recently moving to the South Boston Waterfront.

    The #9 and Silver Line both need major improvements as well!

  4. southieliving September 27, 2016 at 5:25 pm - Reply

    completely understand the issue with #7 bus – it’s totally out of hand. but also waited for over 20 minutes for #11 to arrive this morning and it was already packed by H Street — not to mention when it’s completely full more often than not by the time the bus gets to the west side. hoping they take a look at all bus routes in southie, as they’re all pretty terrible lately and it appears the MBTA and bus drivers could care less.

  5. Ed September 28, 2016 at 1:58 pm - Reply

    So people are proposing that riders walk down to the bus barn on first street as a solution? Non-starter in my opinion. That’s essentially the T saying “You come to us”. Look at on overhead map, that’s the T telling 95+% to walk a half a mile further to board a bus.

  6. Lolobret September 28, 2016 at 7:49 pm - Reply

    Express to South Station is an excellent idea! No need to stop at the Convention Center /World Trade. I ride the #7 bus every morning (and have been riding it for 10+ years) and there are not enough people disembarking the bus at that stop to justify a stop for an “express” route. Just get as man people to South Station as quickly as you can with an express route. Leave the Convention Center/World Trade stop for the local route.

    The MBTA could also reduce the number of stops. For example the D Street stop inbound could be combined with the Convention Center/World Trade Stop. There is a stop at Industrial Park which 100 feet before the D Street stop. There is also no need for a bus stop on almost every block in South Boston. It’s ridiculous.

  7. Mary Cooney September 30, 2016 at 12:27 pm - Reply

    For this very reason…Integrated land use and a transportation plan are required before the SB rezoning that the BRA/BPDA is touting. Pls urge all to attend the meeting at the Tynan on Oct 6 so there is appropriate focus of the current deficiencies prior to any rezoning.

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