Enough with the Road Races on Day Blvd.

1.1 min readBy Published On: July 14th, 2015Categories: News0 Comments on Enough with the Road Races on Day Blvd.

A new Bill to limit the amount

Apparently State Rep. Nick Collins has had it up to here with road races on Day. Blvd.  From a press release:

Recently, State Representative Nick Collins testified before the Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture on a bill which would limit the amount road races in South Boston.  

As written, the bill limits the number of special use permits the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) may issue for road closures on Day Boulevard to four per calendar year.  Equally important, the bill requires that those four special permits to be issued to individuals or entities who have a direct impact on the South Boston community.

“I have heard from residents loud and clear that road closures along Day Boulevard have been a quality of life issue for the neighborhood for quite some time,” said Rep. Collins.  “I have worked with my colleagues at DCR to scale back on these closures in recent years, but this bill would provide much needed relief to the community by capping the number of road closures while ensuring that any event requiring road closures has a direct relationship with the South Boston community.”

The bill is now under review by the Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture.