End of the Year Report from City Council President Ed Flynn

Dear neighbors,
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!
As 2023 and my term as Council President draws to a close, I would like to provide a summary of my work this year.
In District 2, my work and advocacy continue in many key areas: pedestrian safety & public safety, quality of life issues, immigrant and civil rights, housing & development, and community preservation.
In the South Boston Waterfront, I was able to secure $4 million for the programming and design of a new firehouse, which will complement the $11 million we received last year for the design and construction of the new EMS Seaport station. The construction and completion of both over the next several years will be critical to serving the area’s growing population. In South Boston, I secured $2.5 million for the McDevitt Senior Homes, an important affordable housing opportunity for seniors. On transportation, the South Boston Elected officials and I continue to highlight our concerns and strong opposition to the Boston Transportation Department on their Summer Street Pilot due to traffic, congestion, and the potential to negatively impact our local, state, and regional economy. I also advocated for a 7 nights a week Residential Parking Policy Plan in South Boston, which I believe will protect neighbors, residents, and families from the unsustainable parking crisis and quality of life issues that occur every weekend.
In Downtown, I continue to work in collaboration with our public safety officers, residents, business community and non-profits. I submitted letters of support for the establishment of a Holocaust Museum in Downtown and the soon-to-open WNDR Museum. In Chinatown, with the Mayor’s support, we received a $2.4 million grant from the Department of Transportation Reconnecting Communities project for the initial study and design of a new park between Shawmut Ave and Washington Street above the I-90 highway. Through community preservation funding and my support, Chinatown also secured a total of $4.2 million for Parcel R-1 for the building of affordable housing for homeownership and rental. In the South End, I secured $1.1 million for the maintenance and repair of the Shawmut Ave Bridge.
At the Council, during this year’s budget process, my colleagues and I advocated against the removal of $30 million to the Boston Police Department and nearly $1 million to Veterans Services. In addition, Councilor Worrell and I co-sponsored, and the Council unanimously passed, an illegal gun trafficking ordinance requiring the Boston Police Department to have an annual report with data on illegal firearms trafficking, which would help law enforcement and policymakers develop strategies on gun violence prevention. Through multiple working sessions with my colleagues, we also passed an anti-bullying policy at the City Council. On pest control, I had the opportunity to speak with Kathleen Corradi, New York City’s first new Rat Czar, to get her insights and operations. While we were not able to hold a hearing in time before the year end to discuss the creation of an Office of Rodent Mitigation in the City of Boston, I will be re-filing this in the new year. The list of what we have worked on is long, and I have included more details below.
As we gather with families and friends for the holidays, I encourage everyone to stay updated with their flu shots and boosters to keep each other safe. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas, festive holiday season, and a Happy New Year!
Thank you,
Below are highlights of our work this year:
Quality of Life & City Services
Filed a hearing to discuss setting up an Office of Rodent Mitigation in the City of Boston.
Held a hearing to discuss bringing back City of Boston Board Meetings, Abutters Meetings, City Council Meetings, and Related Businesses Back in Person with a hybrid option for public accessibility and persons with disabilities.
Public and Pedestrian Safety & Transportation
Advocated successfully against $30 million budget cuts to the Boston Police Department
Sponsored and passed an ordinance requiring the Boston Police Department to have an annual report with data on firearms trafficking, which would help law enforcement and policymakers better understand the impact of illegal gun trafficking, and help us develop strategies on gun violence prevention.
Secured $4 million for the programming and design of a new firehouse in Seaport.
Secured $1.1 million for the maintenance and repair of the Shawmut Avenue Bridge.
Affordable Housing
Supported the securing of $2.5 million for the McDevitt Senior Affordable Homes (formerly Paraclete Center) on E Street, South Boston.
Supported the securing of $4.2 million for Parcel R-1 Affordable Housing (rental & ownership) in Chinatown.
Sponsored and passed resolution calling on the Massachusetts Legislature to pass the act
providing a local option incentivizing landlords to rent unsubsidized properties at below rent market.
Voted to increase the affordable housing requirements for the Inclusionary Development Policy (IDP) from 13% to 17%, and advocated for family sized affordable units.
Parks, Open Spaces & Environment
Supported $2.4 million for a feasibility study and initial design for a new Chinatown park built on a deck over the I-90 highway and MBTA tracks between Shawmut Avenue and Washington Street as part of the federal Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program.
Supported $50 million in funding for Moakley Park for the Implementation of master plan, including the redesign of the park with climate resilience features to mitigate flood risk.
Historic Preservation
Secured $750,000 for the Tremont Temple in Downtown Boston
Secured $395,500 for the Congress Street Fire Station and Boston Fire Museum in South Boston
Secured $500,000 for The Union Church in Boston’s South End
Arts & Culture
Supported the development of the Holocaust Museum
Provided a letter of support of the opening of WNDR Museum in Downtown
Supported PLAN Downtown and creation of a Chinatown Cultural Plan
Human Rights Commission & Civil Rights
Wrote a letter in support of organizers for the Boston Pride for the People Parade.
Sponsored and passed a resolution recognizing June as Pride Month.
Consistently reported neo-Nazi & extremist behavior targeting our jewish, LGBTQ+ neighbors, immigrants, and communities of color to the Human Rights Commission; condemned these hateful behaviors.
Stood by and supported LGBTQ+ community and the important work of our health care workers and medical professionals at Boston Children’s Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital during targeted harassment of communities of color from far right and anti-LGBTQ groups.
Sponsored and passed resolution in support of our Seaport Hotel Banquet Workers as they vote in their union election
Sponsored and passed a resolution in support of Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI) workers as they seek to unionize
Sponsored and passed resolution honoring the Health Care & Home Care Worker Members Of 1199SEIU
Sponsored and passed resolution in support of Boston Firefighters Local 718 and urging the Massachusetts Civil Service Human Resources Division to work in good faith on the issue of civil service promotional exams
Immigrant Advancement
Sponsored and passed resolution celebrating Lunar New Year and the contributions Of our AAPI community
Sponsored and passed resolution in support of designating Lunar New Year as an official holiday in the City of Boston
Sponsored and passed resolution recognizing Jewish American Heritage Month
Advocated successfully against decreasing the budget for Office of Veterans Services
Filed a home rule petition to ensure that City employees who are military reservists and members of the National Guard on active duty receive fair pay, and that the City’s military leave policy is consistent with state statute
Filed hearing order to discuss the impact of a government shutdown on boston’s veterans, military members, and military families
Filed and passed a resolution designating a hero square at the intersection of Beach Street and Hudson Street in Chinatown in recognition of Wing O. Hom
Sponsored and filed resolution resolution commemorating Veterans Day and honoring all those who served our country
For more information, please contact Councilor Flynn’s office at 617-635-3203 and [email protected].

Maureen Dahill is the founder of Caught in Media. Once a longtime wardrobe and prop stylist for brands such as Rue La La, TJ Max & Hasbro, she is a devoted lover of vintage clothing, Martini Mondays, Castle Island, AND a 4th generation South Boston native. Mother of three, married to Peter G.
Should really find a way to resolve the trash one the street and it starts with cans or dumpsters locked up by residents and owners in Boston. That way homeless people quit going digging through the trash. That’s why we have rodents. Mice and rats.