eBay cyberstalkers harass a Natick couple.

0.9 min readBy Published On: June 15th, 2020Categories: News0 Comments on eBay cyberstalkers harass a Natick couple.

Revenge Crime

In something that could be the subject of a true crime podcast or Lifetime movie, this story involving Ebay executives is almost too crazy to be true….almost.

On Monday, six former eBay executives and employees were charged with cyberstalking and harassing a Natick couple who wrote negative reviews about the e-commerce online market company in their newsletter.

According to U.S. Attorney Andrew Lelling, the harassment included mailing cockroaches and spiders to the couple’s home, trying to install a GPS tracker on their car, advertising their home as a party spot for swingers and sending a mask featuring the face of a bloody pig.  (Honestly, who hasn’t thought about sending someone a pig mask.)

“The result, as alleged in the report, was a systematic campaign fueled by the resources of a Fortune 500 company to emotionally and psychologically terrorize this middle-aged couple in Natick with the goal of deterring them from writing bad things online about eBay,” said Lelling via press conference.

To learn more details of this case including the names and ages of the six former employees, visit here. 

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