District 2 City Council News: Hundreds of residents attend Women for Flynn Event

Hundreds of District 2 residents came to Roza Lyons in South Boston last week for an event hosted by over 150 women endorsing Ed Flynn’s campaign for Boston City Council.  The overwhelming show of support and growing momentum across the district comes with the Preliminary Election fast-approaching on September 26th.

Event co-hosts included Margaret Lynch, wife of Congressman Stephen F. Lynch, and Suffolk County Supreme Judicial Court Clerk Maura Doyle. Flynn was also introduced by Ana Calderon, Flo Holmes of the Massachusetts Nurses Association (MNA), and his wife, Kristen.

“The people of our district know that Ed Flynn and his family have been immersed in public service for decades,” said Margaret Lynch. “Ed has been a tireless advocate for our community and he has made a commitment to champion issues that impact all of our families – opioid abuse prevention and treatment; improving our public schools and fighting against overdevelopment in our neighborhoods. Ed listens, he connects with people and he cares. I have no doubt that he will be a strong and passionate advocate for all of us.”

Clerk Maura Doyle said, “I have known Ed for many years and his experience in the courts, his passion for community and his understanding of the issues that impact his neighborhood and the city make him the best choice for District 2 City Council.” 

Ana Calderon relayed to the crowd,”Ed Flynn is the only candidate for office I have ever seen knock on doors in public housing and ask the people about the issues, and to support his campaign.”

Flo Holmes of MNA said, “Ed Flynn walked the picket line with us every day of the Tufts strike and lock out. We can count on Ed to continue being an advocate for working families as our next City Councilor.”

Kristen Flynn said, “My husband believes strongly in wage equality, that women should receive equal pay for equal work and that there is no limit to what young girls like my daughter, Caroline, can grow up to achieve.”

Ed Flynn said, “I am honored to have the support of so many well-respected women across District 2.  As a husband, father of a teenage daughter, brother to four sisters, and the son of the most incredible woman I know; I have spent my entire life surrounded by strong women.  On the City Council, I will be an advocate for issues that matter to residents in each community of District 2 – safe streets, improving our public schools, and equal pay for equal work.”

About Ed Flynn

Ed Flynn is a lifelong resident of District 2, where he has been deeply involved as a youth sports coach, veterans’ advocate, and community activist. In addition to being an active Boston Public Schools parent at the Josiah Quincy School in Chinatown, Ed is a member of the Cityside Neighborhood Association, South Boston Citizens’ Association, Ward 7 Democratic Committee, and VFW Fitzgerald Post.

Ed served on active duty in the Persian Gulf on two deployments and overseas in the Navy Reserves, helping to coordinate disaster relief in Haiti. Ed and his wife, Kristen, are raising their children, Caroline and Stephen, in South Boston.

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