David Biele: Setting the Record Straight on Transportaion

2 min readBy Published On: August 9th, 2018Categories: News1 Comment on David Biele: Setting the Record Straight on Transportaion

Yesterday, my opponent criticized the work that I did as a legislative aide in helping to secure a $25 million bond for transportation improvements in our community. In doing so, he illustrated his ignorance of the legislative process and the office for which he is running. I am writing today to correct the record and reiterate my commitment to continue the work I have been doing for our community for years.

First, the fact that the language of the bond legislation identifies the South Boston Waterfront in no way limits the transportation improvements to that part of the district. The legislation specifically indicates that the improvements are to take into consideration the South Boston Waterfront Sustainable Transportation Plan, which identifies a number of improvements to be made throughout the rest of South Boston. For example, MassDOT will be undertaking over $2 million in pedestrian safety improvements on Day Boulevard that will be paid for using the $25 million bond from that legislation. If my opponent was unaware that this money can and will be spent on improvements in South Boston, his lack of understanding of the legislative process should be a cause for concern.

Second, the inclusion of the South Boston Waterfront in this bond authorization was unequivocally a good thing. Cities and towns receive on average between $250,000 and $500,000 for projects in a bond bill. It was only by leveraging the growth of the Waterfront—and specifically the issues that growth has caused for the rest of our neighborhood—that we were able to increase that amount tenfold to cover the rest South Boston and address needs in our community.

Third, my opponent has done nothing more than piggy-back on concerns I have already raised. Yesterday, I indicated my dissatisfaction with the pace of implementing the improvements we fought for. These recommendations were the result of numerous community meetings and cooperation between residents, business leaders, legislators, and city, state, and federal executive officials. I was at the meetings. I was advocating for our neighborhood. While we were doing the hard work together, my opponent was nowhere to be found. Today, he offers nothing more than a statement that he will be willing to stick up for our neighborhood. That’s great to hear. Those of us who have been sticking up for our neighborhood for years are glad to finally have him on board.


One Comment

  1. lauren king August 9, 2018 at 8:16 pm - Reply

    This is seriously the dumbest race ever. This neighborhood needs a champion and instead we our options are a couple of old southie dopes. I am exercising my right not to vote because neither are worth my time.

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