Councilors Linehan & Flaherty Propose Rezoning of South Boston

1.9 min readBy Published On: April 23rd, 2014Categories: News2 Comments on Councilors Linehan & Flaherty Propose Rezoning of South Boston

City Council President Bill Linehan and At-Large Councilor Michael Flaherty have submitted an order for a hearing regarding the rezoning of South Boston.

South Boston was zoned in 1964 when the Boston Zoning Code was first enacted.  There have been vast changes in population and demographics between 1964 and today but few updates to the zoning code.  South Boston’s zoning code should be fully updated to create more clarity for property owners, abutters and the South Boston community. 

Recent rezoning efforts in the First Street neighborhood, from A Street to Farragut Road, have provided clear guidelines regarding height, density, open space and parking.  With involvement from property owners, residents, business owners, civic groups and elected officials, this rezoning effort resulted in new zoning, Article 68, for the First Street neighborhood.  The new First Street zoning was enacted in 2011, since then positive development has taken place with little or no zoning variances. 

“South Boston has the highest demand for new housing in its history.  However, the influx of new development has created concerns about density, transportation, open space, parking and other quality of life issues.  We need current, updated zoning law that adequately addresses both the demand and these quality of life issues,” said Council President Bill Linehan

Councilor Michael Flaherty added, “The intensity of new development in South Boston is creating greater strains on parking, traffic and density in our neighborhood, to the point where the quality of life of our residents is at risk of being irreparably harmed.  Much of South Boston has zoning dating from the 1960’s that is so archaic it is simply ignored.  And without a modern and responsive zoning code, development occurs on a parcel by parcel basis without the benefit of “big picture” urban planning.  The result of over 20 years of this unsystematic process is patchwork development with little comprehensive planning.  I am calling on the BRA to balance its dual roles of promoting development and planning growth.  Certainly in South Boston, what we need right now is less developing and more planning.”

You can contact Council President Linehan at 617-635-3203 or [email protected].  You can contact At-Large Councilor Flaherty at 617-635-4205 or [email protected] 

Both Councilors Linehan and Flaherty are life-long residents of South Boston.


  1. Hmm... April 23, 2014 at 7:20 pm

    This is word-for-word the same as a South Boston Today article from today. For the sakes of transparency and the newbies, is there an agreement between SBToday and Caught in Southie for this? Like I said, I ask more in the interest of transparency as far as where I get my news rather than an accusation of plagarism.

  2. Maureen Dahill April 29, 2014 at 3:12 pm

    It was taken directly from a press release issued by Councilor Linehan.  That’s why it’s the same.

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