Councilor Flynn Safe Streets Update and Office Hours

3 min readBy Published On: February 13th, 2019Categories: News4 Comments on Councilor Flynn Safe Streets Update and Office Hours

From City Councilor Ed Flynn’s Office:

Continued Focus on Road Safety For All

BOSTON –Boston City Councilor Ed Flynn announced that he has met in recent weeks and months with fellow South Boston elected officials, representatives from the Boston Transportation Department, Boston Police Department, transportation and pedestrian safety advocacy groups, community leaders, and members of neighborhood associations regarding Vision Zero – the goal of no serious or fatal crashes in Boston. Flynn conveyed that the safety of all on our roads – pedestrians, motorists, and cyclists – is a top priority for the city. 

Flynn acknowledged there is much work to be done, but cited infrastructure improvements to areas like Farragut Road & East Broadway with stop signs placed in the middle of the road, as well as a loading zone to be implemented at F St & West Broadway to deter delivery trucks from double parking, as positive steps the city has taken. In addition, the city is currently looking at suitable locations for Rapid Flash Beacons to assist pedestrians crossing the street.

Following serious and fatal crashes in South Boston last year, Flynn recommended a 12 point South Boston Safe Streets Plan that included a study of high-traffic areas, a 20 mph speed limit or 20 mph zones, speed humps and raised crosswalks, 4 way stop signs at relevant locations, speed feedback signs, rapid flash beacons, curb extensions, road diets, increased enforcement, delineators in the road, and loading zones for delivery trucks on Broadway. 

In recent months, Flynn held a hearing with Councilor Baker on a 20 mph speed limit, 20 mph speed limit zones and traffic calming. He also joined Councilor Flaherty in holding a hearing on the South Boston Waterfront and Seaport Strategic Plan and highlighted that public safety must be the primary focus.

“Vision Zero and the safety of all on our roads is a top priority for our city,” said Flynn. “We have a lot of work to do, but Farragut Road feels safer today and I believe that a loading zone for delivery trucks- instead of double-parking on a two way bus route- will make West Broadway safer as well. We need to continue to work together on a combination of infrastructure improvements, enforcement from Boston Police, and slower speeds to achieve Vision Zero.”

 For more information or to provide suggestions, please contact Councilor Flynn’s office at 617-635-3203 or [email protected].

Office Hours:

Boston City Councilor Ed Flynn will take his Neighborhood Office Hours program to the Cranberry Cafe (704 East Broadway) this Saturday, February 16th from 9AM-10AM.  Residents are encouraged to bring constituent and neighborhood issues directly to Councilor Flynn and his staff.

“As City Councilor, it is important for me to continue this program and bring City Hall services to each of our neighborhoods. Oftentimes, people are unable to take the time from work or too busy to travel into the city to deal with a particular issue.  This is an opportunity for us to come to the neighborhood over the weekend and hear from our residents directly about their concerns regarding pedestrian and public safety, development issues, and other quality of life concerns,” said Flynn. “I believe that every part of District 2 deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, as well as having the same access to basic city services as everyone else. I will continue to bring City Hall services to each of our neighborhoods.”

For more information regarding future neighborhood office hours or constituent service issues, please contact Councilor Flynn’s office at 617-635-3203 or [email protected].


  1. Oldtimesouthie February 13, 2019 at 4:32 pm - Reply


  2. Edward February 14, 2019 at 8:04 am - Reply

    I think this guy brings a pretty honest effort to his job – I’d give him a good grade so far for the job he has done as a councilor. I don’t expect politicians to be able to single handedly fix every issue but rather bring an honest effort to do what is possible and not hide from the issues or deny they even exist. So far so good Mr. Flynn – Thank you.

  3. Katie February 15, 2019 at 10:44 am - Reply

    Ed has not stopped advocating for safer streets in this neighborhood & I am so very grateful to him for this!
    I have to say, driving seaport Blvd is a bit of a slap to this southie residents face…we have asked repeatedly to have stop signs & or lights at the extremely dangerous intersections of L street and have gotten nothing, EVERY intersection on Seaport Blvd has a stop light Last I checked that area wasn’t teeming with kids walking to school or the playground or there wasn’t an elderly housing project there. It’s upsetting to say the least.

  4. Alphonse's Roche February 16, 2019 at 9:51 am - Reply

    I called his office three weeks ago about the trash pick up, how the barrels don’t make it to the sidewalk and often wind up in the middle of the street. For the last two weeks the barrels have been placed back on the sidewalk. Thanks Ed
    I have called city hall for three years on this issue using the 311 number nothing was ever done

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