City-Wide warrant sweep for Mass + Cass is being asked by local elected officials.

Local elected officials are calling for a city-wide warrant sweep for people who are involved in trafficking guns, drugs, and human beings in the area of Mass + Cass.

According to the Boston Herald,  the group officials include U.S. Rep. Stephen Lynch, state Senator Nick Collins, state Rep. David Biele, City Council President Ed Flynn and City Councilors Frank Baker, Michael Flaherty and Erin Murphy.

“This public health and safety crisis requires urgent action to both help those who suffer from substance use disorder and preserve quality of life in our communities,” stated via a letter to enforcement agencies. 

“It is for these reasons, we write to support and request a city-wide warrant sweep so that any and all outstanding warrants be executed prioritizing those individuals with a history of violence or human-, gun-, and drug-trafficking.”

The letter also states the fact that the Andrew Square neighborhood is being directly impacted by the crime from the Mass + Cass area – being located less than a mile away. Basically, the trouble is spilling into that part of the neighborhood and becoming problematic for residents.

Also included in the letter is the request for law authorities to implement Section 35 of Chapter 123 of the Massachusetts General Laws to “intervene with those suffering from mental health and substance abuse with a likelihood of serious harm to themselves or others.” 

The goal of the letter to law officials is to reduce crime and violence in this area this summer by asking police agencies to work with the DA’s office and the probation office to arrest individuals who have defaulted on warrants for crimes including firearms, drug trafficking, human trafficking and violence.

Mass + Cass was cleared out and encampments removed back in January but unfortunately that area is back to what it was.

You can read the full article in the Herald here. 


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