City Council District 2 Candidate Profile: Ed Flynn

4.1 min readBy Published On: September 7th, 2017Categories: News0 Comments on City Council District 2 Candidate Profile: Ed Flynn

In an effort to keep you informed, Caught in Southie will be bringing you candidate profiles for the upcoming election on Tuesday, September 26th.  This is the first one in the series.

The surname “Flynn” and public service are almost interchangeable in South Boston. Son of one of Boston’s most popular mayors, United States Navy veteran Ed Flynn is running for the hotly contested City Council District 2 seat. Ed is a lifelong resident of District 2, where he has been a community activist, veterans’ advocate, and youth sports coach. As a Probation Officer for the Suffolk Superior Court, Ed works directly with the most vulnerable residents of the district, and is a strong advocate of early intervention programs, recovery and reentry services, and counseling.

After serving in the Navy, Ed worked for five years in the United States Department of Labor under President Bill Clinton, working to improve labor conditions, expand access to affordable health care, and increase the federal minimum wage.

CIS: Why are you running?I’m running to represent the entire district to make sure every family has access to good quality public education, that residents are able to participate in the economy of Boston in terms of jobs and training, and to ensure that all citizens are treated fairly, with respect and dignity. I will work hard every day to represent every person in this district.”

CIS: We’ve got an embarrassment of riches with a field of really excellent candidates vying for this post – what sets you apart?My experience and skills working in the Clinton administration, coupled with 25 years of service in the military lends me a unique perspective on government and the process. I’m active in the community as a sports coach, I know the district and the issues and I work hard. I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but I will bring people together and LISTEN.”

CIS: Proudest accomplishment? “That’s easy – my marriage to my amazing wife Kristin and my kids. We are a team and we are raising two great kids in the city in the public school system. I pride myself on being a good and present parent husband.”

CIS: Southie’s bus situation is out of control – how will you work with the MBTA to mitigate the overcrowding? “I have a plan for rapid bus transportation. I’ve been working with Representative Nick Collins, Congressman Lynch and Councilor Flaherty to implement express buses going from City Point directly to South Station as well as the waterfront during peak commuting hours. It is critical that we can get people to work safely and on time. Right now the system is not working. I take public transportation everyday so I see first hand how the routes right now are simply not working, they are not efficient.”

CIS: Parking in South Boston – do you think households should be able to get unlimited residential parking stickers? How do we fix our parking crisis?This goes back to overdevelopment in the neighborhood. At one time there was one car for a three unit building (three decker) and now there are upwards of 9 cars per building. We need a program that helps residents who need domestic help in their homes (home health aides, childcare workers, etc) and ways for these service providers to park here and do their jobs. I would work closely with the Mayor’s office to create some kind of program to allow people who are not residents to come to South Boston and park when they are providing a service to a resident of South Boston. I’m open to suggestions – perhaps we need an incentive program to homeowners to have fewer cars per household.”

CIS: Thoughts on the Boston Edison Redevelopment Plan?The number one issue is to make sure the site is cleaned and a healthy site for redevelopment. We have to be absolutely certain that all the environmental concerns have been addressed. Traffic is another equally concerning issue – L Street is a cut through for commuters and it is a major safety issue for pedestrians during peak commuting hours.”

CIS: First job? “Besides being a newspaper delivery boy I was a “popover boy” at Anthony’s Pier 4. I loved it and it taught me a lot about listening to people and the importance of good customer service. That and my service to my country were critical elements of my career development.”

CIS: Favorite restaurant in Southie? “I love going to Sullivan’s with my wife and kids after a little league game, being with other people from the community and enjoying the chance to meet with new and old friends.”

CIS: Go to order at Sullys? “Hot dog, fries and occasionally clam chowder. Nothing better!”

To learn more about Ed Flynn, visit his website here!  

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