Cars can stay parked during Trick or Treating on Broadway event

1.5 min readBy Published On: October 17th, 2018Categories: News3 Comments on Cars can stay parked during Trick or Treating on Broadway event

The Safe Streets organizers have withdrawn their request for a parking ban on East Broadway between I and L during Trick or Treating on Broadway on Halloween. After several community meetings, it was discussed and decided that the parking ban could have a negative effect on the local businesses.

Even though this safety measure will not be in place, we feel comfortable that precautions are being taken to ensure safe streets for trick-or-treating on Broadway,” said Katie Donovan from Safe Streets announced via statement.

City Councilor Ed Flynn and Captain Joseph Boyle were an active part of the meetings and worked directly with Safe Streets. Captain Boyle will be requesting more police officers and police cadets to work to ensure public safety for pedestrians. Councilor Flynn is requesting that the speed limit be lowered for the evening to 10 mph throughout the neighborhood.

Another addition to this year’s festivities on Broadway, is the implementation of a pedestrian traffic flow. If you’re heading from East Broadway to West Broadway, it is requested you stay on the even numbered side of the street. If you are coming from West Broadway to East Broadway, it is requested you stay on the odd numbered side of the street. In other words, pedestrians should flow with vehicular traffic.

“We understand that this may not work out perfectly but feel that we should give it a try and perhaps that would limit the amount of people who have to walk in the street to get by.” – from the the Safe Streets press release.

Trick or Treating on Broadway takes place on East and West Broadway on Wednesday, October 31st from 4pm-6pm. Word on the street is The Broadway is giving out full size candy bars. Total baller move.


  1. Not so New to The Hood October 17, 2018 at 1:58 pm - Reply

    Not only would it have a negative effect on the business, but also cars parked on the street do provide a safety barrier for pedestrians on the sidewalks. A good example of this is the recent tragedy we all are well aware of that happened to occur during a street cleaning day for that side of the street.

  2. Katie October 17, 2018 at 2:18 pm - Reply

    I think your theory is true butwith the heavy police presence & 10 mph speed limit we would hope that nobody would be going fast enough to cause another horrendous tragedy. It’s all moot points now b/c we have taken the request off the table.

  3. Donna Brown October 18, 2018 at 11:08 am - Reply

    Many thanks for the support and leadership of Councilor Flynn and Captain Boyle and to Safe Streets for the work they are doing to advocate for safety. The South Boston Chamber of Commerce and South Boston NDC are grateful to all the merchants who are participating in Trick or Treat on Broadway. We all look forward to another fun and safe Halloween in South Boston!

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