BPD Public Safety Reminders to support a safe and family-friendly July 4th weekend in Boston

The Boston Police Department wants all adults and children in the City to have an enjoyable July 4th weekend. Here are a few reminders to make this weekend and the rest of the summer safe and more enjoyable for all!


ALL fireworks are Illegal to Use, Sell or Possess in Massachusetts

BPD Public Safety Reminder: As the 4th of July approaches, the Boston Police Department would like to remind the public that illegal fireworks pose significant dangers to the safety of our residents and their property and do not belong in our communities. Massachusetts General Law (Chapter 148, Section 39) clearly states that it is illegal for private citizens to use, possess or sell fireworks in Massachusetts. It is also illegal to purchase them legally elsewhere and then transport them into the state.

If you hear or see fireworks being displayed in your neighborhood, please call 911 for a police response. If you wish to report the illegal purchasing or selling of fireworks, you can do so anonymously by contacting the CrimeStoppers Tip Line at 1 (800) 494-TIPS or by texting the word ‘TIP’ to CRIME (27463).


As the Harbormaster for the City of Boston, the Boston Police Department encourage the public to come to the Harbor to enjoy the beaches but we ask you do so safely.

For all water activities, from swimming to boating – first and foremost – do not swim or operate any watercraft under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

If you have an emergency on the water dial 911 and be as specific as possible about your location and the nature of the emergency.


It is ALWAYS best to swim with at least one other person regardless of your ability level. You should also ensure someone knows exactly where and when you are going swimming.

Beginners should never swim alone or in an area above their ability.

*Many of Boston’s Community Centers and the YMCA have swimming lessons available

–  https://www.boston.gov/departments/boston-centers-youth-families/bcyf-aquatics


When setting out on a trip on the water in a boat we recommend you wear a coast guard approved flotation device and that you inform a family member or friend of your intended destination, when you are leaving and when you expect to return


Those enjoying paddle boards, kayaks and canoes, are advised to wear an approved flotation device, to follow the rules of the road, and to give way to large draft vessels.


Operators should familiarize themselves with their craft and its capabilities, if possible

take a safety course. Jet Skis cannot operate near mooring fields, nor can they operate within 150’ of shore unless loading or unloading. Lastly, everyone onboard must always wear an approved lifejacket.


The BPD and the City of Boston understand loud parties can impact the quality of life and safety of those in our neighborhoods. Late-night disorderly behavior may lead to other problematic incidents or criminal behavior.

The purpose of the BPD Party Line is to give residents direct contact for reporting the occurrence of loud after parties.

Residents are encouraged to use this resource

·         Please call the Party Line at 617-343-5500.

·         Residents may also report any disturbance to 311

·         Residents may also report any disturbance to their neighborhood district station.


16-26.1 General Prohibition and Definitions: No person shall make or cause to be made any unreasonable or excessive noise in the City, by whatever means or from whatever means or from whatever source. For more information, go to https://bpdnews.com/report-loud-parties

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