Boston City Council Passes Anti-Bullying Policy

1.3 min readBy Published On: November 16th, 2023Categories: News1 Comment on Boston City Council Passes Anti-Bullying Policy

BOSTON – At Wednesday’s City Council meeting, the City Council voted unanimously to adopt an Anti-Bullying Policy for the City Council, which was sponsored by Council President Flynn. The vote came after three working sessions chaired by Council President Flynn. This policy is part of his emphasis on creating a safe and healthy work environment and is an important step in preventing workplace bullying.

The final version of the policy incorporated input and suggestions from Councilors present at the three Rules Committee working sessions chaired by Councilor Flynn discussing the Anti-Bullying policy he filed in May. This policy includes potential examples of what workplace bullying may look like, and serves as a value statement from the City Council that workplace bullying is not tolerated. After passage, Councilors, staff, interns, and volunteers will sign this to acknowledge that they have read this, and the receipt will be kept in their personnel file. New Staff information sessions hosted by Central Staff will also include information on this policy.

“I hope that this policy can serve as a first step in addressing and preventing workplace bullying, and it is also my hope that both future Council Presidents and Councilors will build upon this draft, and make efforts to create a more respectful and inclusive work environment,” said Council President Flynn. “It is of the utmost importance that we have a workplace in the City Council where everyone feels welcome and not subject to any type of bullying or harassment.”

For more information, please contact Council President Flynn’s office at 617-635-3203 and [email protected].

One Comment

  1. Yeah, Just Make Sure… November 16, 2023 at 2:27 pm - Reply

    …the Teenager-In-Chief gets that memo.
    She “bullied” the Globe into deleting (read: “government censorship”) any and all comments even remotely critical of her wicked ways. She “bullied” the Herald into removing COMPLETELY their comment section when readers who were even, again, remotely critical of her wicked ways migrated en masse to the Herald after the Globe became part of her propaganda machine.
    Remember that morning in March when she referred to a room full of Irish-Americans as “White problems”…and not one person in the room told her to “hit the road” or, at the very least, stood up and walked out?
    Yeah, so do I.
    An anti-bullying decree ? In THAT building?
    Don’t make me laugh.

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