Beware of Package Bandits in the Neighborhood – some helpful tips

Community PSA

‘Tis the season for lots of packages getting stolen from stoops and doorways in South Boston.  Evidently, suspects follow the delivery trucks and then swipe the packages when the coast is clear.  So be aware.

As always, if you see something, say something.  You can call BPD (617) 343-4330 or by anonymously calling the CrimeStoppers Tip Line at 1(800) 494-TIPS or by texting the word ‘TIP’ to CRIME (27463).

Here are some tips from the BPD to protect yourself from home delivery theft:

  • Send the package to the residence of a trusted friend or relative who you know will be home. Be sure that the friend is ready and waiting to retrieve the package when the doorbell rings.

  • Ask the package delivery company to hold the package if you will not be home (many have local delivery centers). While we can’t promise that this service is available, there are companies that will hold a package for up to 5 days.

  • Request that your package be marked “signature required.” This requires the delivery person to stand by and wait until you’re available to retrieve the package. You could also put a note on your door, requesting the deliverer go to your next-door neighbor for the signature.

  • Leave special instructions on where to deliver the package. A good place is on the side or back of the house so that the package is out of sight from the road. Ask the delivery person to take and discard the note with him/her or leave it with the package.

  • Use a company that provides a tracking service and check online to see when your package is scheduled to arrive.

  • Have the items shipped to the nearest store for “in-store pick-up.”

  • If you have an understanding boss, have your packages delivered to you at work.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Community Service Officers of your district. These simple tips can help make the holidays much less stressful and protect your deliveries. Have a safe and happy holiday!

One Comment

  1. mplo December 12, 2021 at 9:46 pm - Reply

    Very good points about protecting one’s packages from being stolen. The Holiday time is a rather prime part of the year for people getting their packages stolen. It’s too bad that people don’t have any secure places to leave them, so as to prevent that from happening.

    As somebody who lives in a large apartment complex, we’ve had the same problem with people having their packages stolen, so the manager of our complex has advised everybody to lock the mailroom door behind them after they’re done using it.

    Sorry that the stealing of packages has been happening in your neighborhood.

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